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Bakugo was holed up in some random guest bedroom for a whole day because of Todoroki, even though he protested so verbally. Todoroki took him out the next day, however, and it seemed like they would be going far because Todoroki had pack on his sack that he soon handed to Bakugo. It was heavy and Bakugo was pissed.

He wasn't some servant or butler, he was a warrior born and bred. Letting Todoroki get away with all these things was getting on his last nerve, and if it wasn't for their stupid bond, he would've snapped and killed him by now. But that was the thing about blood bonds, if Todoroki died, he died right along with him.

But Todoroki hadn't commanded Bakugo to do anything yet, so it wasn't as bad as Bakugo had originally thought. He walked into the deal thinking Todoroki would keep him in the cell to rot away and only take him outside when he needed him to fight. But instead he ended up having to stay by Todoroki's side all the time, and if he wasn't next to him, than he was locked up in that fucking room.

It had only been a couple days, but Bakugo was already bored.

"We're here," Todoroki suddenly said after hours of trudging through thick forest. In front of them stood a wooden cabin, vines sliding up the wood and flowers blooming all around the small patch of grass around the house that seemed to hit the sun perfectly.

"The fuck kinda shit shack is this?" Bakugo asked. It looked like something a witch would inhabit, and Bakugo hated witches.

"How rude," a voice suddenly said, coming out from behind Bakugo with a basket of flowers in her hand, a bunch of weird gadgets swinging around her tool belt, and thick goggles on top of her head."This shack right here is made out of custom fiber wood only found on plaster trees in the Dense Jungle. It can last thousands of years through any kind of weather without having to care to it, and could be used as a source of food in times of need."

Bakugo glared at her. Something about her seemed off to him, he couldn't let his guard down."The fuck are you? A witch or something?"

"I'm Hatsume Mei." She smiled, putting out an open hand to Bakugo that was covered in plant sap. He just stared at it, wanting to attack the girl for being so stupid.

"This is Bakugo Katsuki, he's a Dragon Tamer. We recently formed a blood bond and I became his Dragon Rider," Todoroki introduced for Bakugo who glared back at him.

He obviously didn't want Deku to know about their relationship, but he tells this chick right away? The fuck was he thinking?

"I already knew about your bond with Todoroki, Bakugo," Hatsume said, as if she had read Bakugo's mind."Because I'm a seer."

Oh, she did read his mind. Fucking seers.

Todoroki noticed Bakugo's anger and put a hand on his shoulder."Bakugo, be nice," he mumbled to him, moving to follow Hatsume who was already leaving to go inside her house.

It was one of those houses that tricked your mind, Bakugo noticed, while it looked small on the outside, inside it actually held two different rooms, a bedroom and living room with a kitchen. Each room itself was fairly small, but it was probably due to all the things she had scattered around.

She put the flowers down, sitting on a rug right next to her fire place. Todoroki and Bakugo followed suit, sitting down across from her.

"So what can I do for you today, my dearest prince," she said jokingly, rubbing off the plant sap on her pants.

"Please just call me Todoroki," Todoroki said back, obviously not catching on."I need an emblem made for Bakugo, something big enough to fit inside one of the beads of one of his necklaces."

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