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"Ah, looks like the stone has been swallowed."

He hated Todoroki. That controlling, brutal prince. He was going to kill him and laugh in glory as his fleshy organs scattered on the floor around him and his bones turned to dust. No, better yet, he would eat him. His juicy flesh would be his to devour as his next meal. The month was fresh, and he was looking for someone to eat.

Todoroki was perfect. The prince could suffer as he did and burn under his fire. He wanted to see scars marring his body, making him unrecognizable before he ate him. Todoroki deserved a pain worse than death after what he did, and Bakugo would deliver it.

Todoroki would die. He hated Todoroki. It was all his fault. Everything was his fault. Once he broke this stupid bond, he was dead. It was a promise.

And Bakugo didn't break his promises.


When a marble is used, it must be placed in the users ribcage by the person who would like them to obtain their memories. Any bodily harm done to the user will be healed automatically.

Once inside, all memories of the person who placed the marble from that point on will be recorded in the marble until extraction.

To extract a marble, you must take it out of the ribcage and place in the users mouth to swallow, digest, and obtain the memories. The marble will dissolve in the users body. Any bodily harm done to the user will be healed automatically.


Todoroki, along with the rest of his people, was taken to the dungeons where he was chained up and left alone. Bakugo made sure he was separated from the rest in his own private cell, secluded from all his other people. He didn't want to give the prince any chances to leave.

Bakugo didn't bother with Todoroki's so called friends, no matter how much they screamed at him when he passed them in the dungeons. Those who had seen, those who knew what happened were the only ones who kept quiet, only staring at Bakugo with a mix of fear and loathing. Bakugo didn't even glance at them, his sole focus on Todoroki.

Everyday he would go to Todoroki's cell, beating and burning him until all that was left was a shivering mess. It was the only state Bakugo was satisfied with. This was how he liked seeing Todoroki. He wanted him down on his knees, head pressed to the floor as he mumbled incoherently about the horrors Bakugo had bestowed upon him. No brand or bond could mimic such a perfect destruction that Bakugo craved.

He was ready to see such a sight.

Walking into the dungeon, he smirked at what he saw. Todoroki looked the same as usual but just the sight of him bound against his will made Bakugo giddy. His wrists were bound to the wall behind him by steel clasps and his legs rested limply from his position sitting on the dirty stone flooring. There was a gag over his mouth to prevent him from commanding Bakugo and another covering his eyes that Bakugo liked to use.

Other than the obvious bindings, there was a set of gloves covering Todoroki's hands. They were made of mermaid-deer scales, so they could block Todoroki from using his ice or fire magic.

Bakugo lankly walked towards Todoroki, nudging the princes foot with his own to wake him up. The prince startled, head lolling upwards as if to stare at Bakugo. He hated this part of Todoroki, the part that acted like he could always see Bakugo, the part that looked into his soul and saw him.

"Oi, get up, you piece of shit," Bakugo growled, grinding his heel into Todoroki's calf. The prince flinched and attempted to move his leg away from Bakugo but couldn't fight against his strength, accepting his punishment without a word.

That was another thing Bakugo hated. How could he act like what he was doing didn't affect him?

Bakugo ripped Todoroki's blindfold off, looking at him closely to try and see some type of reaction. The princes eyes were crystal clear, not even a bit dull. He stared at Bakugo with intent, eyes directly on his in an unnerving way.

Bakugo backed away with a scowl on his face. He didn't like it, he didn't like it at all. Those eyes were like that of a seer, it was unnerving.

"Stop looking at me like that!" Bakugo shouted with rage, foot colliding with Todoroki's face. The other didn't waste a beat, going back to staring into Bakugo's eyes.

Bakugo ground his teeth together, this time grabbing the collar of the princes shirt and pounding his face in. He sent strike after strike, aiming at all angles of Todoroki's face with his full power. After what felt like hours, Bakugo finally let up, breathing heavy and glaring at Todoroki, watching, waiting.

He doubted he would get up but when Todoroki slowly lifted his face, blood spilling out of his nose as he sent that infuriating stare his way again, Bakugo was at a complete loss.

"You...what the fuck are you trying to say?!" Bakugo yelled in his face, yanking him closer to stare into his eyes, trying to see what Todoroki saw."Are you trying to say you're better than me?! Huh?!"

Todoroki attempted to shake his head, but Bakugo wouldn't let him. He slammed his head into the wall behind him, tugging harshly at his hair until Todoroki was forced upwards by the pressure against his head.

"Then what is it, huh?! Don't think you can lie to me, you fucker! Just cause you're a prince doesn't mean you're better than me!"

Todoroki didn't do anything, simply staring at Bakugo. He knew what he wanted, and he wouldn't get his way. Did he really think Bakugo was stupid enough to let him command him?

Bakugo cackled, smirking at Todoroki."Don't think I'm that dumb, Prince. I'll let you speak but don't think you can command me." He flashed a red vine and wrapped it around the wrist he bit Todoroki on."This will make sure you don't do anything to me, curtesy of your father."

Todoroki's eyes went hard at that, but he still let Bakugo pull off the gag over his mouth. Blood and saliva poured out of his mouth and he coughed a bit, working his jaw and clearing his throat. It had been many days since he last spoke so his voice was raspy.

"You're mistaken," was the first thing he said, followed by a series of coughs."I would never belittle you like that."

Bakugo scowled, taking a step away from Todoroki."The hell are you saying? You've belittled me plenty. Or did you forget the time you practically raped me? Or maybe the time you fucking shoved your hand in my chest, huh?!"

Todoroki kept quiet, simply staring at Bakugo."Well, I haven't forgot, and I intend to make you pay by making you feel the exact pain that I had to. But look at you...Are you really that intent on looking down on me?"

"If you can survive through what I did without breaking, then I can do the same." And there he was again, staring at Bakugo's soul with that stoic face of his.

Bakugo took a step back, whole body shook by Todoroki's words."Y-You! Stop taking me so lightly!"

"I'm not," Todoroki said simply."...There is still something you haven't tried, however..."

"What's that?" Bakugo asked, cursing himself for giving into Todoroki's whims.

Todoroki smiled darkly, leaning forward."Rape."

Bakugo's eyes widened, and he stumbled backwards, face going pale."Wha-"

"I'm not saying you have to stick it in me, but you could just jerk me off or force me to give you a blowjob? Or maybe you give me a bl-"

"Fuck that! Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugo yelled, rushing out the cell and closing it tightly. He made sure it was locked and sent one last glare towards Todoroki before leaving quickly.


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