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"Wah, she's alive, she's alive."


No. No. No. No. No. No.

She can't be alive. It's impossible. No way.

"Mom..." A breathless murmur filled the room.

Shigaraki laughed, grabbing his mother - his living, breathing mother - by the arm."That's right! Your mother, here in the flesh right before you yet again! And yes, she is alive."

How did you breathe again? Bakugo couldn't remember. He couldn't remember anything except for blood, a head, and tears. That day had to be real. There was no way that was just some illusion.

His mother had died.

"Bakugo, get it together!" Todoroki suddenly shouted next to him, pulling him by the arm."We're getting out of here."

His mom was moving, or was that him? She appeared to be farther away than before. Was the room growing?

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Shigaraki said, directing Todoroki's attention back towards him."I could kill this woman anytime I want, so don't try and do anything rash."

This caused both of them to freeze, and Bakugo finally started to gain some of himself back."You bastard, let her go!" He shouted, glaring Shigaraki down.

"What, and kill her?" Shigaraki asked, smirk on his face at the duos confused looks."Finding her and resurrecting her was already hard enough work and it's real hard keeping her living and breathing without any soul, so I bound her to me and lend her some of my life source from time to time." A sly smile reached his face."She's mine to use as her conscious rests for eternity."

"An undead contract, or better yet, a slave contract."

"Fucking bitch," Bakugo mumbled, fists clenching and Todoroki looking at him with masked concern."What the hell do you want?!"

"Patience, Dragon Tamer, the event hasn't even started yet."

Bakugo looked at him with wide eyes. He knew he was a Dragon Tamer? But how?

Shigaraki noticed Bakugo's reaction."Yes, I know all about your little escapade," he started."Our resident Dragon Tamer was more than willing to share."

Bakugo turned and glared at Dabi who just shrugged."You couldn't help me so there was no point in saving your ass."

Bakugo attempted to not let their taunts get to his head but it was just to much. He wasn't ready. He was still in shock at seeing his mother suddenly revived. What could he do to save her? What could he do to set her free?

All he had to do was trust Todoroki, right? Todoroki could solve any problem. All he had to do was rely on Todoroki. He could surely figure things out. Todoroki would save him.

The prince noticed Bakugo's emblem glowing. This wasn't good. He forgot about the last string they still hadn't cut. This wasn't good.

Todoroki turned to the Villain Prince."Just let Bakugo's mom go and leave before you are harmed again," he threatened.

"Ah, yes, Prince Todoroki. I see things have been fairing you well." Shigaraki smirked."I seem to have noticed a dead body nearby. Would that happen to be your doing? A bit of trouble in the kingdom?"

"Shut up," Todoroki mumbled angrily. Don't give in. Don't give in. He was just playing with you.

"I heard you're Bakugo's Dragon Rider? How anti-climatic." Shigaraki suddenly pushed Bakugo's mom towards Mr.Compress again."I happen to be a Dragon Rider as well, so we're birds of the same feather. Though I have a shitty Tamer who isn't worth a damn."

"Huh? The fuck did you just say, you hand freak?" Dabi suddenly intervened, voice low and lazily potent."If you didn't put these fucking staples in me then I could've shown you a good time."

"Is that an invitation, you rotting piece of flesh?"

"Why don't you take them out and then I'll answer that question for you!"

Why the two men argued, Todoroki focused on Bakugo. The green emblem on his necklace was ever growing and Todoroki could tell Bakugo was being affected. His stance was detached and yet his eyes looked so desperate as he stared at Todoroki.

Was this what trust was like?

No, this was just a fantasy. A cruel fantasy Todoroki had conjured to test Bakugo, to see how loyal Bakugo would be. To see if he would keep it on and he did. Todoroki never had any intentions of it being used but he understood why Bakugo felt like he was backed into a corner.

"Lets cut this," Todoroki mumbled, pulling the necklace with the emblem off of Bakugo's form and throwing it on the floor away from them.

And suddenly, Bakugo was alive again."Hurry up with it already you fucks! What the hell do you fucking want?"

Shigaraki was back staring at them and Dabi's lazy eyes followed after his.

"We're here to beat the boss, obviously," Shigaraki said, but suddenly his composure darkened."And to get back the lives you have stolen from me, Dragon Tamer!" Rage heated Shigaraki's eyes.

"The hell?" Bakugo asked dumbly. Lives? But he hasn't killed since...

"The war, you fucker!" Shigaraki practically screamed."Or have you forgotten all the lives you've stolen, all the people you killed that day!"

Bakugo remembered.

Bakugo remembered?

Blood. Flesh. Flowers.

He wanted to plant some flowers.

"You planted flowers, many, many flowers."

"15 men! You brutally slaughter 15 of my men in that battle and now I want redemption!" Shigaraki cackled, directing his mummified mother towards him.

"Like hell I'll let you!"

It was a quick decision on Todoroki's part but the had been curious.

Before the war, before everything, Todoroki had room for curiosity. He searched deeper into Bakugo's past. Deeper and deeper in him, his mother, and his father's years together and even before that.

That blue marble had to mean something.

Todoroki even went as far as to asking Izuku about his time with Bakugo. Where did you go? What did you see? Who is Bakugo? And why was such a thing inside him?

So then, seeing his mom with a single blue bead on the bracelet of her left arm almost sealed Todoroki's curiosity.

That had to be it.

Todoroki moved to Bakugo, hand over his chest once again like a familiar threat given too many times."I'm sorry, Bakugo."

And in yet again.

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