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It had been a couple days since Bakugo saw Todoroki. The prince had shaken him up, and he needed to compose himself before he saw him again, so he only sent servants down to treat him. Not his wounds, of course, but just his essential needs like food and water.

Though, he was still confused about what to do with Todoroki. How should he break him? What would it take to completely strip him down?

"Ah, Bakugo! I was looking for you!" shouted Endeavor, pacing towards Bakugo in slow, prominent steps. Bakugo simply stood still, waiting for the king to come to him.

He had learned to be wary of Endeavor, because even though he had gone onto his side, that didn't mean the king wouldn't turn against him at anytime. The only thing keeping him where he stood was the fact that he was a Dragon Tamer. Endeavor saw Bakugo's strength and offered him a place by his side.

It was an unstable partnership full of holes, but Bakugo would make it work so he could stay close to Todoroki.

"You have to inform me or the guard next time you leave the premises. What if an enemy attacked?" The king spoke, rage showing through his flames.

Bakugo resisted the urge to sigh."I will be sure to next time, my king," he said, inwardly cringing at the language he used. What he really wanted to do was yell at the king to fuck off but that would lose his place close to Todoroki, something the king new he desired.

"Well it's no matter," he hushed."I have come to you to speak about my son."

What, your piece of shit son? Don't bother."What about?" Bakugo asked, shoving out the flood of memories and attempting to focus on the king in front of him.

"Have you been treating him well? I need him semi-functional for he is the next king of this kingdom." The king crossed his arms with a stoic look on his face.

"Yeah, he's doing just peachy," Bakugo growled, angered by something in the kings tone."If you wanna know so bad why don't you just go and see for yourself."

Endeavor laughed."No, I trust in you, Bakugo. My son is not weak, I raised him to take over this kingdom after me, after all."

Something in the way he looked at Bakugo made him extremely pissed. It was like he was looking down on him, thinking his son was so great, and he was nothing better than trash.

"Well, excuse me, I have things to attend to," Bakugo said, barely getting the words out through the immense rage boiling inside him.

"Please," Endeavor said, moving out to let Bakugo through."I hope to see you at the meeting later."

"...Yeah." Fuck no.


Kirishima woke up slowly, taking note of his surroundings the moment he opened his eyes. Everyone in the room rushed to his side, making sure he was okay and that nothing hurt. He just gave them all a big smile and everyone looked relieved.

They instantly told him about what happened while he was out. Kirishima wasn't do surprised about Bakugo's power and made note to tell him such later. His friend was so awesome.

Then Jiro proceeded to tell him about what happened when they got back to the castle. She had seen it all, how Todoroki's father showed up, how Todoroki lost his cool, and how Bakugo went crazy, trying to kill Todoroki with all his might until he had to be put down.

No one knew why Bakugo acted like that but ever since he had been really strange, like the only thing he could think about was Todoroki. Then Bakugo agreed to be part of Endeavors kingdom, throwing all of Todoroki's friends under the bus but still assuring a place for his tribe in the kingdom. He was to act as Endeavors strength during war, like a noble knight.

"He also randomly goes off somewhere every so often. We don't see him for hours and then he comes back like nothing happened," Jiro finished, staring at Kirishima to make sure he understood.

"...Where is Bakugo now?" Kirishima asked, tone calm but not friendly like usual which put everyone on edge.

"I'm here," Bakugo suddenly declared, and everyone turned to the source, seeing Bakugo leaning against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest.

Kirishima stared him down."Could everyone leave us for a bit?"

"Aw, no fun!" Ashido cried, but moved none the less.

"We'll see you later!" Kaminari called back, and everyone left the room, closing the door behind them.

There was a tense silence as Kirishima and Bakugo stared at each other, neither attempting to make the first move. Bakugo then let out a large sigh, causing Kirishima to flinch a bit."What is it?" he asked, voice harsh.

Kirishima stared and then smiled."Bakugo, you're such an idiot."

"Huh?! The fuck did you just say?!" Bakugo growled back, oddly on edge.

Kirishima saw through it all instantly, having been around the man for so long."You obviously don't like this, so why are we here?"


"Where's Todoroki?" Kirishima asked, staring at Bakugo with a certain intensity.

Bakugo felt like he was backed into a corner with those simple words. It's not like he had to answer. He was the leader of the Flame Tribe, not Kirishima, so why was it so hard to answer? What was holding him back?

"He-," Bakugo stared, clearing his throat."He's...not here."

"And where should he be?"

"I-I..." Bakugo was confused, yet he understood what Kirishima was saying, and it hit him like a ton of bricks. Why was he so dumb? There was only one place Todoroki belonged and only one place he wanted to be. Ever since they bonded, there was only one place for them.

Kirishima saw Bakugo gain some clarity and smiled as he watched him reach for the door."Bakugo," he said, stopping the man."No matter what you do, I will always be on your side, because we're family."

Bakugo felt his heart clench."...Yeah." Thank you. He slammed the door behind him, swiftly moving down the hall and finding the nearest servant, someone who took care of Todoroki.

"Hey, you!" Bakugo called, gaining the servants attention."Make sure Todoroki is fed and bathed properly. Then I want you to strip him down and keep him chained to the center of the room, understood?"

The servants nodded, scurrying off to complete his task. Bakugo walked off his room, grabbing a newly designed iron.

It was time to end this charade.

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