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"Todoroki Shouto..." Shinso mumbled, not believing his eyes. The prince stared at him with interest as another person came up behind him with a glare. Other than the baggy pants and sleeves covering part of his arms, his chest was fully exposed with a herd of necklaces, as well as a chain to keep his fur skinned cape in place.

His glare caused Shinso to let out an involuntary shiver as he silently questioned who the man was. Ojiro had told him about everyone living in the castle, which was why he spotted Todoroki, but he had never told him about this prominent figure.

"So you know of me," the prince mumbled to himself."That is good."

"Yes," Shinso monotoned back, unsure of his standing. He decided to just sort out what was going on later."Please, come inside."

The prince nodded."Thank you." He moved past the door, turning to confirm the man behind him was following.

They walked into the kitchen where Kendo and Monoma were still sitting, and Shinso produced two more chairs for them. The room became crowded, but no one seemed to mind except Todoroki's companion.

"More people, really, Shinso?" Monoma scoffed."You're such a saint, helping these poor, weak foreigners get past the barrier."

Todoroki's companion snapped his eyes towards Monoma, sending him a heated glare."Don't lump me in with you trash. I got past the barrier just fine a long fucking time ago," he growled out, making Monoma's smile only grow.

Todoroki quickly shut him down with a light nudge on the shoulder."Stop it, Bakugo. I may not be able to command you anymore, but that does not mean I will let you do as you please."

"Fuck off, you bastard prince!"

"Might I ask a question," Shinso inquired."What have you come here for, Prince Todoroki?"

The prince turned to him, eyes studying his face."You are Shinso, correct?"


"Good," Todoroki mumbled."I have heard about you from Ojiro and have come to you today seeking aid." His voice and face remained neutral."As you may have heard through various rumor, my kingdom has been taken over by my father, and he has claimed the throne as his, yet again. Not only has he taken the throne, but he is currently holding my people - my friends - captive, along with other various colleagues."

Everyone at the table held their breath, stunned at the news. Stories like this never passed the barrier, so they could never even fathom something like this happening.

Todoroki continued."I want to take back my kingdom, free my people, and rid my father from his home but I do not have the strength to do so. So I ask you, please, help my kingdom." His voice was clear and filled with elegant fury and stirred the hearts of those around him.

Shinso wanted to help. He wanted to help so bad, yet he couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Prince Todoroki, but I cannot help you," Shinso murmured back."It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't get past the barrier."

Todoroki looked startled."Why not? I thought you mentioned you had a way over?"

Shinso feared a glance at Aizawa who sat next to him."Well-"

"This prick wont give us the time of day!" sneered Monoma towards Aizawa."Says he would rather waste his days around here than go out to where all the adventure really is!"

Kendo proceeded to smack him on the back of the head, apologizing for his rudeness and urging Shinso to continue.

"It's as Monoma says," Shinso said, turning to Aizawa who didn't so much as glance his way."Aizawa refuses to help."

"Aizawa?!" Bakugo shouted, suddenly standing up and gaining everyones attention."As in Eraserhead?"

Aizawa's eyes widened and he finally spoke up."How do you know that name?" He asked with rushed fervor.

"A member of my tribe, Jiro, has a Spirit Guide as well," Bakugo started."Goes by the name of Present Mic."

"Hizashi..." Aizawa mumbled, thoughts of his friend churning throughout his mind."And where is he now?"

Bakugo smirked, a plan forming into his mind."Where Jiro is, back at the castle, held captive by Todoroki's father, rotting away in a cell."

Aizawa could feel his anger grow and tried to control his desires, but Bakugo could tell he was faltering. Aizawa then mumbled a bit to himself, something about stupid brats, and then looked up and turned his gaze to meet Todoroki's with a sigh."Consider the barrier down and them free to pass. How do you plan on attacking? Counting Kendo's group, theirs only a little over twenty of us."

"Hey! It isn't 'Kendo's group'!" Monoma scowled.

"Isn't yours either," Kendo huffed back.

"I don't plan on actually overthrowing the kingdom," Todoroki said, causing everyone to quiet back down at listen to his words."The moment my mother died, along with all my elder siblings, the kingdom was mine to rule. If my father realizes this, he will allow me to take to the throne and become king."

"And if not?" The question came from Shinso, who looked interested in Todoroki's affairs.

"Then I will have to use force to refresh his memory."


The rest of the day was spent gathering the other eighteen people in their group and explaining their plan. Most were unsure and rallied against why they should even have to help but soon gave in, knowing Aizawa wouldn't let them through the barrier unless they agreed to help the prince.

Todoroki spoke to them with hints of passion while Bakugo stood in the back, quietly assessing the situation. The plan seemed borderline suicidal and Bakugo doubted Endeavor would willingly hand over the throne. He seemed too power hungry to give up such an important standing. But what did Bakugo know? He wasn't the one who had been born and raised by him.

Once Todoroki finished talking he came over to Bakugo, giving him a small nod as they moved back to Shinso's home. The silence was infuriating, so Bakugo spoke up."This is a fucking dumbass plan."

Todoroki let out a small breath."Yes, but it's our only hope."

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