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Bakugo's squad settled into the kingdom quickly with only two days until the estimated attacked from the Villain Kingdom. Much to Bakugo's dismay, they had made friends with some of Bakugo's people and moved around like they had been living there for a while.

Bakugo didn't like it. They were opening up to easily. What if they wanted to stay in the kingdom? They might find out about his bond with Todoroki and if they did, that would be no good. It would make him seem weak, and Bakugo hated being weak, especially in front of the people that relied on him so often.

While they all prepared themselves, making weapons and warding the kingdom, Bakugo was left with nothing to do. He didn't want to bother Todoroki after that happened, in fact, he didn't even want to see him, but he also wanted to do something. Waiting around was not his style, and he felt the need to fight and destroy slowing creeping up inside him.

He wanted to fight. He wanted to pummel someones face into the floor until all their teeth fell out and they were covered in blood. That was true victory.

"Bakugo!" Todoroki called from next to him, causing Bakugo to stop his quick stride down one of the kingdoms many halls. Bakugo tensed at the voice, pulse quickening as he started to grow nervous, questions swarming through his mind.

But they were in the middle of a war, so he couldn't be thinking about such things. All he needed to think about was how to save his people and Todoroki at the same time.

"The fuck do you want, Todoroki?" He asked, swerving around with a glare.

Todoroki stopped in front of him, not looking even a bit stressed about the upcoming battle. Was he that confident in the people he had lined up or was he really that sure that Bakugo could save them all? He just couldn't read that stoic bastard.

"I'm here to inform you to be ready at any time. We may have estimated two days but that doesn't mean they can't attack any earlier," Todoroki said, causing Bakugo do scoff.

"I know that." Bakugo smirked."This isn't my first time in battle, you know."

"Yes, I understand."

Bakugo huffed back, swiftly turning away from Todoroki. He didn't want to look at the stupid princes face any longer than he had to. It was unsanitary.

"Wait, Bakugo," Todoroki practically commanded, putting his hand on Bakugo's shoulder.

The other tensed up, quickly shrugging it off him and sending a crude glare towards the prince."The fuck is it now?" He just wanted to be done with this conversation.

"You will not be fighting in the front lines but only when I tell you to."

Bakugo paused, eyes going hard."Huh?! What the fuck are you saying?!" Bakugo shouted, turning around and grabbing Todoroki by the collar of his shirt.

Todoroki looked at him coldly."If you had attended the strategy meeting instead of being a stubborn child, you would've known sooner what I am saying to you now."

"Who gives a fuck about your fucking strategy meetings!" Bakugo practically yelled."Do you expect me to just stand around while my people go out and risk their lives for a cause I don't even support?!"

"Yes, I do," Todoroki said coldly, giving Bakugo a sharp glare that made him shiver in fear."Don't forget your place, Bakugo. You're my trump card in this war, and I don't intend to use you until absolutely necessary."

"Like hell I'll let you!" Bakugo shouted back, stomping away from Todoroki with pure rage flowing through his system.

"Stop," Todoroki suddenly said, forcing Bakugo to stop all movement. He could barely even breathe as Todoroki walked over to meet him, quick strides showing how mad he was.

"Bakugo, plea-"

Suddenly a horn was sounded, one long blow indicating incoming enemies. Both Todoroki and Bakugo recognized it instantly, tensing for battle. They could already hear the shouts of their people as they geared up swiftly to get ready to put their plan into action quickly.

"Sorry Bakugo, but you have no choice," Todoroki said, standing next to Bakugo with a hard look in his eyes."Stay by my side until I enter the battlefield."



The battle took place in a forest, if that what it could be called. There weren't many trees, most having been cut down and used as timber by other people. But the beautiful, lush grassland was quickly littered with blood as enemies clashed together in a horrid array of colors and shiny blades glinting in the mid-day light.

Bakugo watching it all from a small hilltop a good fifty yards out, face scrunched up in displeasure. For some reason, through Todoroki's command, he could see this time. See and feel what was going on around him, the bindings holding him back from walking onto the battle field.

He didn't want to see, didn't want to hear the clash of weapons and screams of agony before him. War was not beautiful. It was crude and grotesque and gave way to no winners.

Yet, war was necessary.

If you won, you got land and it made you feel powerful. When on the battlefield you feel small and insignificant but once you win, you feel invincible. Bakugo likes that feeling, but it also feels like he's carrying the world on his shoulders. The need to maintain your status, maintain your land, maintain you honor is something no man ever likes to feel.

It is the fear of war. Only second to a mans greatest fear.


Kill. Slaughter. Massacre. Someone must be left. Fight till the end. Fight for your people. Fight. Don't let them beat you back. Keeping moving. Keep moving.

It was that desperation that Bakugo feared. He feared for his people and how they would come out of this, if they did. Thieving was one thing, war was another. He didn't want them to be scared like he was. He wanted them to live and smile as he used to.

He didn't want this war.

"Bakugo, focus," Todoroki's voice suddenly called to him, snapping Bakugo out of his trance.

He turned his eyes back to the battle, forcing himself to find his people. Even if he couldn't protect them in his state, he still wanted to watch. Their final moments were something precious that he didn't want to betray.

Suddenly Kirishima caught his eye. His tribe member was in a bind, trying to stand his ground as he was backed up against a tree being pummeled endlessly by the enemy. He was slipping, Bakugo could tell.

Fuck watching his final moments, Bakugo knew there was some way he could get out of Todoroki's hold."Fuck it," he said, mustering his strength and pushing Todoroki down the hill they were standing on.

Todoroki tumbled down the hill until he reached the bottom, looking up in shock from the unexpected push. He look around him, already noticing Bakugo running off into battle ahead of him. They were technically on the field, making Todoroki huff a bit.

Part of him was pleased. He wanted to stick to his morals but part of him also just wanted to run out and help his friends and with Bakugo gone, he had no choice but to do that.

"Thank you, Bakugo," he mumbled, standing up and brandishing his sword."Now I can truly protect my kingdom."

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