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"-leave at first light. I need to speak to Bakugo briefly. I will be sure to bring him back to camp so you can properly talk to him."

There was a muffled voice, and Bakugo tried hard to understand who it was and what was going on. A thick haze still surrounded him as he stumbled, the grip on his arm tugging him somewhere. He was pressed against something hard, and his eyes started to open with clarity.

"T-Todoroki..." he mumbled, staring at the figure across from him. Anger started to well up inside him as he remembered what happened. Todoroki commanded him. Its not like he didn't ask for it, but he didn't think the fucker would actually go through with it.

Did he really care for his kingdom that much?! To the extent if bending someones will? Bakugo was astounded by the will of the prince, but also pissed.

"What the fuck did you do?!" He yelled at Todoroki, moving and gripping the mans collar.

"I did what was necessary to win," Todoroki responded, stoic as ever.

Bakugo growled, he and his dragon were boiling with rage. He had a feeling his dragon was for a different matter, but he did bother to care."Leave my people out of your affairs!" Bakugo yelled, shoving Todoroki away and moving to go back to his camp. He would tell them what was really going on and get them out of this stupid war.

Todoroki grabbed his arm, forcing Bakugo to face him and putting a cold hand over his mouth which caused Bakugo to shiver."Leave them be, Bakugo," he said, infuriating Bakugo."In the end, your people made the decision to help. You should respect it."

Bakugo bit Todoroki's hand in response, drawing blood but not shaking the princes grip. He tasted the blood in his mouth and felt his canines get larger, eyes turning to slits. That's when he remembered that tomorrow was the end of the mouth. Todoroki had thrown off his payment and now he was one day away from death.

Fear pulsed through Bakugo as he tried to figure out what to do. His dragon asked for one sacrifice a month, it didn't matter when or who, but they had to be completely devoured before the month let up. Bakugo was pushing it, he needed a meal quick.

"It looks like someones getting anxious. Do you need something, Bakugo?" Todoroki asked, pushing his hand closer to Bakugo's lips.

It was taunting. He was threatening Bakugo's limits, trying to see how good his self control was. Bakugo wouldn't give in, he didn't want Todoroki to have the upper hand like he had for so long. But he could feel himself wavering, wanting to taste more of Todoroki's blood.

Todoroki pushed his hand closer, fingers edging into Bakugo's mouth."Come on, Bakugo, say it," Todoroki taunted, running his now bloody fingers along Bakugo's lips.

Bakugo shivered at the contact and tried not to swallow down any of the blood. He canines got larger, and Bakugo could feel his whole body started to heat up as the dragon inside him threatened to release itself. Bakugo clutched Todoroki's arm weakly, legs shaky as he slowly pulling Todoroki's fingers out of his mouth.

"I-I want..." Bakugo swallowed thickly as he felt his dragon practically scream out its desires."I want to eat..."

"Eat what?" Todoroki asked, stroking his bloody fingers along Bakugo's lips and then moving them down to spray them across his neck.

Bakugo's teeth got wider, threatening to break skin as he stared down Todoroki's neck in a trance, saliva dripping off the sides of his chin."I want to eat you...!"

"Sorry, but you can't," Todoroki said, shocking Bakugo. He looked at him with confusion. It was just eating right? What was the harm? Why wouldn't he let him?

"I would prefer not to die today. I'll find you a different human, Bakugo."

No, he wanted him. He wanted Todoroki. He wanted to eat him. Tasty meat! Right in front of him! He wanted it! He wanted it!

Bakugo attacked, fangs out and aiming for Todoroki's. He extended his hands, nails sharpening as he went to grab his prey. Instead of grabbing him, however, a hand swiftly grabbed his arm, and the body in front of him moved, leg kicking him onto the ground. He cried out, feeling part of his arm sprain at the action.

His faced and body were coated in mud, and he turned over, struggling to get back up. Suddenly, his hands were being moved up over his head, one getting pierced with a sharp knife, the other with a sword. Bakugo let out a muffled scream, feeling the blades break through his skin and bones as blood started to flow alongside the mud. He felt weaker, like his strength was slowing being drained away and captured by the blades piercing him.

"You need to cool down, Bakugo," Todoroki said, face suddenly close to his. He was practically laying on top of him, icy hands drifting over his body and rubbing his chest.

"G-Get...off..." Bakugo gasped as Todoroki's fingers pinched his nipples. He struggled to speak and soon the only thing coming out of his mouth were moans of both pain and pleasure that made Todoroki's who body shiver.

"Calm down, Bakugo," Todoroki whispered, nipping Bakugo's ear."And just feel." The prince moved his hand under Bakugo's pants, grasping his member with one hand and rubbing the tip. He then started to stroke it, movements slow and sensual.

Bakugo gasped at the motion, body tensing as Todoroki continued to stroke him. He felt himself slowly grow hard, pre-cum starting to drip out of his now hard member. Todoroki took it as a sign and picked up his pace, sucking on one of Bakugo's nipples and making him moan loudly.

Todoroki practically purred at the sound, planting a kiss on Bakugo nape."Thats it, good boy," he murmured as Bakugo let out another strangled cry.

Bakugo bucked his hips, the pleasure fogging his mind. The metal holding his hands down spiked his body with pain, causing him to groan and clench his teeth. He couldn't do anything, not with this metal imbedding into him. Yet, at the same time, it's not like he wanted to do anything.

Todoroki grazed his ear again, hand rubbing across his chest and reaching up to his neck and Bakugo felt amazing. He wanted blood, he wanted meat, but more so, he wanted this.

Todoroki noticed Bakugo reaching his climax and smiled thinly."Go ahead," he whispered."Come."

At Todoroki's command, Bakugo came, letting out one last moan before collapsing completely onto the ground, mud dirtying his body once again. Todoroki let go of Bakugo but kept his weapons where they were.

He stood up and cleaned his hands with a small handkerchief that he always kept in his pocket. His clothes were still a mess, but he let them be, moving to grasp Bakugo's chin. Bakugo moved his head up, hazy eyes still riding off his orgasm.

"I cant take you back like this," Todoroki mumbled to himself and then focused on Bakugo."I'm going to get you something to calm that dragon down. Don't do anything rash while I'm away, Bakugo."

"Yeah," Bakugo mumbled back, not fully comprehending what was going on. Todoroki nodded back, standing up and moving into the forest to find Bakugo some human to eat.

Hopefully Bakugo's tribe wouldn't get suspicious of them being gone for so long. Things were already strained as they were, with Bakugo acting out of character trying to convince them to help Todoroki. He wasn't himself when commanded by Todoroki, and the prince didn't like it one bit.

He liked Bakugo's fiery attitude and quick wit. He was always so sure of himself and his beliefs, even in the worst situations. It made Todoroki want him on his side, but he knew that would never had him. After today, Bakugo would surely only feel hatred towards Todoroki. He needed to somehow get Bakugo to trust him, if even a little.

But he didn't focus on that now, instead searching the area for humans all the while trying to calm the bulge in his pants.

Bakugo was to much.

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