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"Todoroki, you know what this means, right? Bakugo's memories of this will never resurface, not unless you do that deed again. Are you prepared to face such consequences?"


"Well, then its okay. Just don't mistreat my baby, alright? Marbles are fragile."


When Bakugo awoke, he was lying on the floor of Hatsume's shack with Todoroki right next to him. Seeing the Prince's face first thing in the morning was annoying, but Bakugo endured in hopes that his somewhat good behavior would get them out of the creepy seer's home.

Todoroki seemed to be packing so that was a good thing, but his slow movements irked Bakugo. When he noticed Bakugo awake he simply nodded, going back to packing. Suddenly, Hatsume stormed out of her room, holding one of Bakugo's necklaces in her hand.

"Its done! My beautiful baby is finally finished!" She shouted, running over to Todoroki and dangling it in his face.

"Hey!" Bakugo shouted, fury coursing through his veins at someone else touching his things."The fuck are you doing with my shit! Give it back!" He moved to grab at it, but Todoroki was to quick, easily swiping the piece of jewelry and inspecting it as Bakugo still tried to reach for it.

His body was sluggish for some reason, and he felt like he was moving through thick lava with every movement. There was an excruciating pain in his abdomen, but he payed it no mind, probably just after effects from the bond they created. Or maybe the dragon inside Bakugo was getting impatient. He would need to feed soon.

"You're sure this will stay?" Tododoki asked, inspecting the small green stone that was placed inside one of the beads on the necklace.

Bakugo growled upon seeing it, not happy that someone tampered with his things.

"I'm sure!" Hatsume cheered."My products are always topic quality! I fitted it in with butter tree sap so I'm sure it will hold. Thats why it took so long to set in. That emblem wont be going anywhere."

"Good." Todoroki nodded, turning to Bakugo, who was still seething in anger, and placing the necklace back around his neck.

After talking a bit more, with Bakugo's angry curses in the background, Todoroki moved to finish packing up their things."Pardon me, but it's time of us to leave," Todoroki said to Hatsume.

She smiled back."Are you sure you don't need anything else? I've got some great new collars that just finished cooling. They would look perfect on your Dragon Tamer!"

"We're fine, woman," Bakugo hissed back, racing out the door before she could say anything else.

Before Todoroki stepped out, however, she spoke again."Todoroki! Before you go, I thought you might want some help, free of charge just because I like you so much."

Todoroki turned around, staring at her with a blank look.

"That group of yours...its not going to be enough to take them down, even if you had Bakugo fighting the whole time." She smiled."You need more people if you plan to win."

Todoroki smiled back."I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Hatsume."

"Pleasure doing business with you!"


Their trek back started mid day, so unlike their journey there, they had to camp outside one night. Bakugo would've been happy for the chance to leave but the bond stopped him in his rejoice. He couldn't leave Todoroki. He needed to protect him, for the sake of his own life.

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