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What was this?

"It feels so wrong," she cried. My mother, Bakugo realized."He was only born yesterday. Couldn't we have waited a bit longer?"

"If we didn't do this now, I doubt we would ever," he hushed Mitsuki, hugging her close. My father, Bakugo noticed."To protect him from the Red clan, we have no choice."

"It hurts, Masaru," she cried, figure trembling.

Scared, shaken, fearful.

Who was this?

"I know," Bakugo's father said back, clutching her tightly."It hurts a lot."

Uncertain, scared, withering.

What was this?


"She's good people, Mitsuki, have a little faith," Masaru said almost pleadingly.

"We can't trust anyone," Mitsuki said back, fist clenched at her side, ferocious intensity in her gaze."Didn't you say so yourself?"

"That was years ago," he said back, trying to catch her gaze, trying to plead with her."We've settled down, your old clan hasn't found us once, we're safe."

"For now," she mumbled angrily.

"Yes, so let's live in that now." He grabbed her hand, clutching it softly."If you keep letting all those little problems, those little 'ifs' get to you, you will never be able to enjoy life."

"And you think letting this fucking woman into our lives will solve that?" Mitsuki asked, bite to her words.

"It's a start," he responded."Plus, Katsuki needs a friend."


He smiled.


"It's rare to see you by the stream," Inko said softly, looking like she wasn't to sure if she should talk or not."Cleaning clothes?"

Mitsuki looked up at her but otherwise said nothing. Of fucking course she was doing the laundry, what the hell else would she be doing? Taking a shit?

Inko looked like she wanted to say something else but stayed quiet, plopping her own clothing basket down to start working. Mitsuki watched out of the corner of her eye as Inko attempted to wash her clothes, motions slow and weak. She just couldn't bare it any longer.

"You're not scrubbing hard enough," Mitsuki mumbled, catching Inko's attention.

"What?" She asked, not hearing Mitsuki.

"I said you're not scrubbing hard enough, you idiot," Mitsuki said, coming over to Inko and grabbing the garment she was currently working on."You need to do it like this." She went to show Inko the motion and Inko just smiled back at her.

"It's been hard ever since Izuku's father died, so I haven't really been myself," Inko said sheepishly."So I was glad when you let us stay nearby you. We're kind of like family now...I would like to think."

Her smile was blinding, so blinding, in fact, Mitsuki could feel fat tears start to pour down her face.

Family. She hadn't heard that word in so long, hadn't felt the warmth that accompanies that word even longer. She used to think of it as something bad, something to be hated, but the way Inko cherished it...it made her think such a word had some hope to do good.

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