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Todoroki could feel tears in his eyes, but they didn't fall. No matter how much he wanted them to, they didn't move. He was disappointed in himself. He was disappointed in his father for leaving him. He was disappointed over a lot of things.

Never before had he felt such raw sadness. Not when his mother died or when the same fate met his siblings. No, with them all he felt was an icy anger that scorched his sadness.

He was disappointed with himself.

"Finally! I was waiting for that asshole to die," Bakugo said, moving to stand next to his fathers corpse."Though I wish I was the one to do it."

"Shut up..." Todoroki whispered, grabbing onto his fathers hand. It had only been mere minutes since his death but his hand felt so cold and frail.

Bakugo didn't say anything back, moving towards the kings throne. He moved his hand along the fine cloth that cushioned it, eyes lighting up at the gold and expensive gems imbedded inside. Anyone could tell it was a chair fit for a king.

He wanted it.

"This is a nice chair..." He murmured, smirking at Todoroki."I think I would look good on it."

"Don't sit on it," Todoroki growled back, glaring at Bakugo."That's a magical chair that only allows people of royal blood to sit upon it so that they may become king of this kingdom. If you sat on it, you would be killed."

Bakugo scoffed, ignoring Todoroki and moving to sit upon the chair. Suddenly Todoroki rushed towards him, pushing him to the floor just as he was about to sit down.

"What were you thinking?! Didn't I warn you not to?!" He shouted at Bakugo, breathing heavy as he glared down at him.

"Well someones in a pissy mood," Bakugo growled back."And here I thought you wanted your dear ol' Dad to die."

"Shut up! I might as well just shove you back in the dungeon for being so goddamn suicidal! You could've gotten us killed!" Todoroki shouted.

Bakugo shot up, glaring back at Todoroki."Go ahead and try! Always ordering me around, who do you think you are?! You may be a prince but you're no prince of mine!"

"I'm just trying to protect you! I'm trying to protect us! Why cant you see that?!"

"And why cant you see that your protection is doing jack shit!"

"I'm just trying to-" Todoroki stopped, digging his hand into his hair."It's just that-"

"What is it?! Tell me!"

"You're all that I have left, Bakugo!"

Bakugo's eyes widened, mouth gaping open like a fish. No way...was he being serious?

"I mean, I do have my friends and servants and..." Todoroki stumbled with his words, never once meeting Bakugo's gaze."But there different from you. You're different, Bakugo."

Bakugo swallowed the lump in his throat."...How so?"

"I want to bind you. I want to take you away and never let anyone see you again." He stopped, realizing how stupid he sounded."My family has always been known to be people who search for power, search for ways to get stronger. And for me, Bakugo, you are that strength. So I don't want anyone to have you."

Bakugo's eyes were hidden, and it scared Todoroki. At this moment, Bakugo could leave and Todoroki couldn't do anything to stop him. He could just walk away from his life and never come back. Todoroki didn't want that. He wanted Bakugo to stay but didn't know how. Never before had he felt such an overpowering desire to bind something to him before. But to express such desires, to express such love, was beyond him.


One of the castle walls suddenly burst open, stone flying everywhere and forcing Todoroki and Bakugo to the floor. Three figures stood on top of the stone pile, looking directly at the two in front of them.

"A game isn't over until the final boss is defeated, or in this case, the two of you!"

"No, I think we're more the final boss, since we're the Villain Kingdom and all."

"Do you want more laced staples shoved into your skin? You masochist."

"Yeah, you're right, they are the final boss."

Bakugo brushed the rubble off him, glancing in Todoroki's direction to see that he was getting up as well. Without a second thought, Bakugo turned to the intruders, accessing the current enemy."You fuckers really don't know when to give up, do you?!" He shouted as Dabi and Shigaraki's figures came into view, the third party unknown to him.

Shigaraki smiled, just the sight of his lips curving upwards making Bakugo shiver."You cut off my hand, you slashed my pride, but you did not kill me," he said proudly, a certain flare in his voice.

Then he produced both hands out of his pockets, showing off the one that was cut off. In stead of a stub in its place, there was a hand resting on top, lying limp and wrinkly on his body. And, even though it was obviously dead, it seemed to emit a strange magic.

Something dark and sinister.

"You have not yet conceived true pain or true suffering like I have!" Shiragaki was now yelling, mad laughter following his words."To see something so pure taken away from you and now used as a doll! I'll show you!" He pointed his dead hand to the unknown man next to him."Mr.Compress!"

The man Bakugo didn't recognize seemed to understand what Shigaraki was saying. He produced a coin from his coat, holding it in front of him.

A light started to shine from it, and Bakugo's eyes widened as a figure started to appear as if from out of the coin.

He couldn't look away.

He wouldn't look away


I smile down from the heavens at the life I once lived.
Left to rot.
You lifted me up.
So this time,
let me help you.

I am no god.
I am no angel.
I am a person.
A person who desires you.

A person who desires happiness.

Oh, the woe.
Oh, the anguish of your sad,
pitiful life.

Your wings are no longer raised.
Your pride is striped down.

Who are you?

My son,
you cannot fly with those wings.

Strip down.
Bear yourself.
Let me,
O mighty tamer of beasts,
Rejuvenate your wings.

Let me,
O mighty King,
show you true happiness.

A/N: Yes, I know Mr.Compresses power allows him to trap people in marbles, not coins, but since I was already using marbles for something else I had to improvise

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