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Emma woke up just in time for the Impala to shut off. She looked out the window sleepily before getting out with everyone else. The four walked into the bunker then moved into the library. Emma looked around in aw at how many books there were, she's only ever had the one. Sam noticed how fascinated she looked.

"You like to read?" He asked. She nodded, her mouth open slightly. "How many books have you read?"

"Just the one. But my mom used to read me to sleep." She whispered as her eyes darted around the library. Dean now noticed how trashed her clothes looked. Emma moved to go get a book but Dean stopped her.

"Whoa there, why don't you take a shower and brush your hair? Have some food and get some sleep. The books will be here tomorrow." Emma pouted a little before slinking back and looking at him shyly. "What?"

"I don't have a change of clothes." She mumbled. Dean softened before looking to Sam who already had his phone out. The brothers shared a nod.

"We'll get you some. In the mean time, go take a nice warm shower and Sam will make some food for you. What would you like?" Emma looked over at Sam the same way she looked at Dean.

"Can you make pancakes? My mom used to make pancakes all the time before she died." Everyone's expression softened at that comment.

"Of course, sweetie. Cas will show you where the shower is." The two angels left the room before the brothers moved to each other. "Her mom died so her dad has to be the angel."

"That doesn't really narrow it down, Sam. We've known female angels to chose a male host." Dean reasoned.

"Right but we haven't seen a gay angel." Dean scoffed before moving to the fridge and grabbing a beer.

"I don't know man, Gabriel's always been up your ass." Sam rolled his eyes. "What did Charlie say?"

"She questioned why we needed teenage girl clothes but other than that she said she's on her way." Dean nodded as he sat down in the chair at the desk and propped his feet up. "We're gonna need more clothes as she grows and she should have more than two pairs of clothes."

"I know. Don't you have pancakes to make?" Sam nodded and headed to the kitchen to start making food for the little angel. Castiel walked into the library and sat across from Dean.

"Balthazar." He stated. Dean looked over at him.

"Excuse me?"

"That's who sired Emma." Dean took his feet off the table and leaned over it. "Her power is faint but I was able to tell when it was just the two of us."

"Dude, I don't think she knows so don't go telling her. And don't treat her differently because of it." Castiel nodded.

"I wasn't going to. It was just bugging me." The two sat there before Charlie walked in with bags in her hands.

"'Sup bitches?" She greeted. Sam walked out of the kitchen to grab the bags from her and dropped them in front of the bathroom door. Charlie walked over to Dean and Castiel and sat down. "Why'd you need little girl clothes?"

"Because we found a nephilim who looks like she's been living on the streets and needs a pair of clothes." Dean answered. Charlie whistled.

"Damn. I hope she likes the clothes then. What's her name?"

"Emma." Said girl answered. She walked into the room wearing a pair of light blue pajama pants and a Captain America shirt. Her hair was wet but tied back in a braid with a blue hair tie that must have been in the bag. The wings were folded together and pinned against her back so Charlie didn't see them. "And I do, thank you."

"No problem." Emma stood in the entrance a little awkwardly before Sam called for her.

"Em, your pancakes are ready!" A ghost of a smile appeared on her face as she left the room, her wings flapping behind her. Charlie gasped.

"She has wings!" Dean and Castiel nodded. "But you don't have wings."

"I do, you just can't see them." Charlie nodded.

Emma sat at the island eating her chocolate chip pancakes as Sam cleaned everything up. The two didn't talk as she ate until Sam was done. He turned around and leaned on the island.

"What happened to your mom, Em?" Emma looked up as she set her fork down.

"These. . . These people came to my home and killed her. It was all my fault." Sam reached out and grasped her shoulder.

"It's not your fault." Emma looked away.

"Yes it is. They came looking for me and my mom died trying to protect me." Sam looked confused. From what Castiel has said about nephilims her mother should've died when she was born. "My dad was never around, all I know is that he's an angel." Emma looked to her plate. "I'm done with my pancakes. Can I go back to the library?" Sam nodded, grabbing her plate to put in the sink. Emma got down and walked back to the library, sitting down next to Castiel.

"Done with your pancakes already?" Dean asked. Emma nodded, looking down to the table.

"Thank you." She whispered. "For taking me in and everything. Normally when people find out I have angel wings they run away screaming."

"Yeah, well, we're used to stuff like this." She looked up and smiled a little. "I think it's time for bed. C'mon, I'll take you." Dean and Emma got up and left for an available bedroom.

The one they found was small and dark but Emma didn't seem to mind. There was a small t.v towards the front of the bed, the remote was on the nightstand. The bed wasn't as big as Dean or Sam's but she didn't seem to care, Emma was smaller than the two anyway. Emma walked over to the bed and laid down. Dean moved to her and tucked her in.

"Night kiddo." He told her. Emma smiled sleepily.

"Night Dean." Dean walked out of the room and back to the library. Sam had walked in after Dean and Emma left but he sat next to Castiel, Dean went back to his seat. Charlie was smiling brightly like she knew something the boys didn't.

"What?" Dean asked.

"You guys are already acting like her fathers." She sang. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Shut up."

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