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The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard throughout the bunker followed by the sound of a gun shooting. There's a thump as the figure ducked and rolled behind a wall, shooting their gun. There isn't a room in the bunker that you can't hear laughter in until the runner screams and clutches their head. All they can hear now is the high-pitched scream of the archangel in their ears because of angel radio and then the sound of their attacker's gun firing. They could feel the bullet hit their back and they groaned.

"No fair, Uncle Gabe." Fifteen year old Emma complained as she stood up from behind the wall. "You can't keep using angel radio every time I'm winning." Gabriel bent down and retrieved the Nerf dart from the ground with a huge smile on his face.

"Uh, yeah I can." Gabriel defended. Emma rolled her eyes. "You and Charlie lose." Emma's eyes widened.

"Charlie!" She whined before the redhead stepped into the room, her head hung slightly. "I thought you were good at this?"

"I am!" Charlie defended before biting her lip. "I was." She admitted. "Dean and Sam are surprisingly good at this." Emma shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. "And what was that?! You could've flown away from your attacker!"

"Dean and Sam said no flying and I would've gotten away if Uncle Gabe didn't use angel radio to knock me off guard." Gabriel stuck his tongue out, Emma following before all three broke out in laughter.

"You weren't the only one that got caught off guard." Gabriel stated just as a defeated Castiel walked into the room, his gun drooping at his side. "Ain't that right, Cassie?" Gabriel cocked his head to the side so he could smile at his brother. Castiel looked up and glared at the archangel.

"You have to stop doing that, Gabriel." Castiel ordered. Emma pointed to Cas and nodded in agreement.

"Exactly what I said!" Gabriel rolled his eyes and stuck his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"Oh you two just can't admit that Samsquatch and I won the game." Emma smirked when she saw Dean sneak up on Gabriel, his Nerf gun aimed and at the ready. "Just say it, Emmie. You know it's true."

"Is it, Gabe? Is it?" Dean asked the trickster when he was as close as he was going to get to Gabe. Gabriel spun around just in time to get shot in the chest by a Nerf dart. He groaned.

"Aw c'mon!" He complained. Dean smirked as Sam walked in, his head hung like Charlie's was. Gabriel's eyes widened and he acted betrayed. "Sammy, you didn't." Sam didn't meet Gabriel's gaze. Gabriel frowned before bringing Sam in for a kiss. "Nah, I can never stay mad at you, you big puppy dog." Sam smiled as the whole room busted into laughter. Dean walked over to Castiel and an arm around his shoulders. Charlie and Emma fist-bumped.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that team Destiel, Emma and Charlie's name not ours, won our friendly match of Nerf guns." Emma laughed as Charlie stood proudly. "Now, who's ready for dinner?" Everyone started saying they were at the same time so Dean held up a hand, cutting everyone off. "We agreed that the winning team would get to pick dinner and the first team out would have to go pick it up so, Charlie, Emma, you know where to go." Emma playfully groaned before walking into her room to grab her coat. Her leather jacket had been traded in for a trench coat ever since her wings grew in health and size. They could no longer hide underneath a leather jacket without making Emma uncomfortable.

Charlie and Emma hopped into Charlie's car and set a course for Dean's favorite fast food place. While the girls were out the boys sat around the table in the library and got themselves drinks- mainly Sam and Dean. The topic of conversation wasn't anything special until they heard the sound of wings flapping and then a whoosh. All eyes darted to the person who made the noise and they were shocked by who it was.

"We're gonna have to make this a monthly thing or something." Emma told Charlie as she bobbed her head to the music that was playing on the radio while they waited for the food. "It was tons of fun. Well, besides the part where we lost but that wasn't really the objective of the game." Charlie smiled as she played the drums on the bottom of her steering wheel.

"It was fun and a great way to shake out all the tension in the bunker. Dean and Sam need days like this to take them away from all the seriousness their work can be." Emma nodded.

"And it's not just them that need it. Even angels need a good laugh every now and then." The two laughed before Charlie pulled away and Emma fixed the food on her lap. "Plus it's good practice." She added, watching the traffic ahead of them.

"There's always that." Charlie noticed how fascinated Emma seemed to be by the cars in front of them. "How many times have you been in front in the Impala?" Emma turned to look at Charlie before shrugging.

"Oh, I dunno. Not as many times as Sam or Gabe or Cas have but it's fine. I like the backseat." Charlie nodded.

The bunker was oddly silent when the two girls came home. They were confused as to how it had gotten so quiet before their minds jumped to the worse. Emma ripped off her trench coat revealing her long feathery wings and flew into the library, some of the paper on the table flying around because of the wind her wings created. When she saw the four men standing around the table staring at something she calmed down but that only made her confused. Charlie came running but stopped behind Emma when she noticed that everyone was okay.

"What's going on?" Emma asked, turning to look at where everyone else was looking at. "Guys, who is that?" Emma could now see a man who was wearing a black blazer with a grey v-neck shirt underneath and a pair of black jeans. No one Emma recognized but the Winchesters plus Castiel and Gabriel seemed to know him. And by the way he looked back at Emma she had the sinking suspicion that he knew her.

Dean tore his gave from the man to look over at Emma who was now stable on the ground, her wings pinned to her back like they had been every time she got shy around them her first year being here. Emma looked over to him and mimicked Castiel's look when he gets confused that Dean laughed at every time she did it because neither angel realized the other did it.

"Emma, this is. . . This is your father, Emma. This is Balthazar."

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