Pesty Little Angels

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The four sat around the table in the library discussing what they were going to do. The three men had no idea how to take care of a kid. Especially with what they do for a living. But they couldn't let her go back to living on the streets, unprotected and untrained.

"She seems to like you three." Charlie pointed out. "And I think you've gotten to like her too." No one disagreed with her. "I'll help you out when you need it."

"No offense Charlie, but when would we need help?" Charlie raised an eyebrow.

"What are you going to do when she starts bleeding for a week every month? What about when you have to take her bra shopping? Or boys? What-"

"Okay, I think you proved your point Charlie." Sam cut her off. "So are the four of us really going to take care of her?"

"I don't see any other choice, Sam." Castiel said. "I would rather have Emma here, protected, than out on the streets unprotected." Sam nodded.

"We've got an extra set of hands on hunts then." Dean commented.


"What?" The older hunter asked. "Don't start yelling at me for being like dad, you thought it too." Sam hung his head, he did think about it for a second.

While the adults were trying to figure out what they were going to do, Emma slept in the room. She was completely unaware of the sudden whoosh and flapping noise that came behind her. Two angels came into view in the dark room, one was carrying an angel blade.

Emma had her back turned to them when they came but she turned to the other side, her front facing the angels now. They advanced on her, she was still unaware of their presence. The angel that had the blade was about to strike when Emma made a quiet, unintelligent noise and fluttered her eyes open, landing on the two angels.

She screamed at the sight of the blade. Emma knew what it was, the angels that came after her the night her mom died carried them. Gabriel had told her about them when he came to visit her. The blade was meant to kill angels which included nephilims.

Hearing the scream come from her room, Dean and Sam jumped up and started running to her room. There was another whoosh and flapping noise but this was a nicer angel that teleported to her room. Castiel was smart enough to grab an angel blade.

"Leave her alone." He demanded. The angels turned their attention to Castiel.

"She's a nephilim, she deserved to die the day she was conceived." One of the angels snapped at him.

"Emma has done nothing wrong." Dean and Sam ran into the room.

"Should've know it were these dicks." Dean mumbled. Castiel stood in front of Emma who was silently crying, her wings wrapped around her as tight as they could be. "What do you want with Emma?" The angels turned their heads to face Dean.

"She deserves to die!" They yelled. Emma hid behind Castiel, holding onto the trench coat as reassurance that someone was there for her. "The nephilim deserves to be killed because of what she is capable of doing."

"Emma wouldn't hurt a fly!" Sam defended.

"For now. Can you say the same for ten years from now?" The angels completely turned to face the Winchester brothers, their backs now facing Castiel and Emma. Castiel stabbed his angel blade into the first angel's back, causing him to disappear in a blinding white light. Castiel went to stab the other one but he teleported away.

The three men in the room turned to Emma who was holding onto Castiel's coat for dear life. Castiel picked her up and somehow managed to hold her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into the crook of his neck. He stroked her hair to get her to calm down.

"You're safe, Emma. We won't let anyone hurt you." Sam told her as the Winchesters walked over. Charlie walked in thinking the boys had taken care of the problem.

"What happened?" She asked. Emma sniffled and looked up.

"The angels that tried to kill me when I was younger came to kill me." The adults shared a look. "Can I sleep with you, Cas?" She whispered.

"I don't sleep." Came Castiel's response. Emma looked back down. "But I can lay with you." She nodded before he set her back down on the bed. Castiel laid down next to her as the other three left the room. Emma curled into his side, he wrapped an arm around her. "I don't think I ever introduced myself." Emma hummed.

"Dean said your name was Cas." She recalled. Castiel chuckled softly.

"That is a nickname the two like calling me."

"What's it short for then?"

"Castiel." Emma's eyes widened a little.

"Uncle Gabriel told me about you. He said that if I ever ran into you he would make sure you keep me safe." Castiel looked at her, a look of confusion painted across his face.

"When did you meet Gabriel?"

"When I was eight. He told me about the angel blades and stuff." Emma yawned. "Can I go to sleep? I'll tell you more tomorrow."

"Alright." Castiel kissed the top of her head as she drifted off into sleep. He laid with her the whole night.

Dean, Sam, and Charlie went to bed shortly after. She decided to spend the night and then leave in the morning. The rest of the night was quiet, no one unexpected showed up while they were sleeping. Castiel made sure that Emma was protected even though he never left her side.

He always wanted someone to take care of. Claire didn't want anything to do with Castiel when he reached out to her and he felt really bad about it. But now he had Emma who seemed to like Castiel in return. And this time he would have Dean and Sam helping him take care of her and he has the bunker to keep her safe.

"I promise you Emma, no harm will come to you while I am here."

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