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Gabriel and Castiel's eyes went wide as Emma tried to turn to see who was talking, summoning her angel blade because she didn't want to get attacked again. Sam grabbed her wrist and shook his head, telling her what she assumed would be a 'not yet' instead it was just a 'it won't work'. Jasper was confused but didn't want to turn around just yet in case something bad were to happen. Dean looked like he was about to punch whoever was standing behind the two teens.

"They're not just some hunter and some angel I found at a diner two years ago." Emma corrected through clenched teeth, a firm grip on her blade even though she thought Sam didn't want her to use it. "They took me in when no one else did. They didn't tease me or bully me because of my wings when I showed them. Dean and Cas helped protect me when no one else did. The two of them aren't just some strangers that I met on the side of the road." Emma stood up from the table, her back still to the figure, her wings extended to their full wingspan which didn't look very threatening in their current state. "They are someone I've put my trust in countless amounts of time and they never seem to fail me. Now I should've asked my father this before Lucifer stole me but, why now? Why come and visit now? Because no for a fact that if you cared you'd-" Emma cut herself off when she turned around to see who was standing there. He looked like an average, everyday person that you'd find on the street- certainly not old enough to be her grandfather.

"Yeah, well, unlike my son I actually came for you. To which you have your uncle to thank." Emma briefly looked over at Gabriel who threw her an apologetic smile. "I've been watching over you, Emma, so don't act like I don't care." Emma straightened slightly.

"You're my grandfather on my father's side?" She questioned. The man nodded. "Then that makes you. . ." Her eyes widened as her blade clattered to the ground. "God." She breathed out.

"Call me Chuck." He said with a smile. Emma blinked, her hands running through her hair.

"I'm going insane." She mumbled with a small laugh at the end. "I'm going insane." Emma shook her head. "That's two people barely within twenty-four hours that haven't showed up until now and act like they've cared for me since the day I was born." Emma looked to Chuck, her expression saddening. "Why am I so important to everyone?"

"You're a nephilim-"

"Yeah, I know that. I've know I've been different my entire life." She cut off. "But that doesn't make me important." Chuck opened his mouth to say something but Emma continued talking instead. "So I'm half angel, big whoop. I've read the books and things about past nephilims and how terrible they were. But what everyone doesn't see is that other than my wings-" Emma gave a small flutter. "-I really don't have that much grace and the little amount I do have will never cause me to go crazy for power."

"And I know that. This is why I came." Emma looked confused. "You're the one nephilim that's always been different." Chuck gestured to her wings then to Jasper with a smile. "But for the better." Emma smiled slightly. "You've been the only nephilim- or should I say angel in general- where people can see their wings. Angels' wings are untraceable to the human eye and even some angels that have been on Earth for too long can sometimes look past the wings and angelic grace; but you've always been able to see angels' wings and true faces even when you didn't know who you are."

"Are you going to take that ability away from me?" Emma asked, dropping her wings so they could hide behind her back.

"No. Oh, no!" He protested. "I would never. But I do have a solution to your pesky killing problem. I overheard your conversation with Jasper when you two were in your room and got to thinking, Dean and Sam have something on their rib cage which prevents other angels from finding them." Emma looked to the two hunters in confusion. "I was thinking I could do that to you." Chuck finished, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked over to Dean and Sam for agreement. Dean slid his hand down his face before looking to his brother.

"He's got a good point. I know it kills Emma when we have to kill those winged bastards to save her." He spoke up. Castiel gave Dean a look which caused the hunter to roll his eyes. "You know I love you." Dean told Cas before giving the angel a kiss. Chuck's eyes lightened up at the sight.

"You two are finally together?" The two nodded. "Fucking finally! Was the 'raising him from perdition, leaving your grace on his skin' not a clear enough sign that maybe, just maybe, I think this is the one for you? No?" Castiel looked from Chuck to Dean with a confused look. "When you rebelled against Heaven and you did it all for him and I didn't immediately smite your feathery ass, that not a sign?" Gabriel and Sam were about burst out laughing. "How about all the times you died, Cas? Or, or you know, killed yourself, and I brought you back! Back to him! He's the first person you come to and the first person you see as you regain sense of your angelness, and that's not a clue, REALLY?" Emma started laughing which she covered up with a cough when Dean glared at her. "And Dean! Dean! You're charging through Purgatory, screaming for your angel, and you find him on the banks of 'the river', cleansing himself, purifying himself in my waters, you find him like that and it never occurs to you that I'm doing my best to get you guys together?" Jasper had to look away from the three so he could contain his laughter. "Not even as you see him in your dreams, in the night, on the road, in the bathroom? Really? Damn, guys, it only took how long?" The four couldn't keep it in any longer, they burst out laughing once Chuck was finished. Dean and Cas followed shortly after.

"I didn't realize you cared so much about our love life." Dean commented.

"Are you kidding?! You two belong together!" Emma was the first to regain herself but still kept her smile.

"That hilarious outburst aside, can we get on with the whole angel-proofing me?" She asked. Chuck nodded as he walked over to her. Emma stood up straighter as he lightly placed his hands on her sides, creating the spell so angels couldn't find her. When he pulled away Emma turned to Sam and Dean with a huge smile. "Now no one else has to die to keep me safe!" The two hunters smiled. Emma turned back to Chuck with a smile before bringing him in for a hug. "Thank you, grandpa." Chuck hugged back.

"Now, your wings could use some work." Emma giggled. When she went to explain, Chuck cut her off. "I know what happened and I know your uncle is trying to fix them but I can do one better." Once he was done speaking, Emma could feel her feathers against her back. She looked over her shoulder to find that her wings were perfectly fine again.

"Wha- How?" She asked.

"I am God, you know." Emma smiled and gave him another hug. "But I best be off. My sister is waiting." With that, Chuck disappeared again. Emma turned to Gabriel with a raised eyebrow.

"And why exactly do I have you to thank for that?"

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