Wing Repair

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Charlie was gone the next morning but Jasper decided to stick around one more day. Really just because no one was going to take him home that late in the night and he wanted to be there for Emma in case she needed anything. Sam had given him a guest room in the bunker to stay in for the night when everyone was going to bed.

When he woke up the next day he heard cursing and then yelling coming from Emma's room. Curious as to what was going on, he placed his ear up against the door to listen in. It sounded like Emma wasn't alone.

"Sit still!" Someone commanded her. Jasper couldn't but a name to the voice.

"But it hurts too much!" Emma complained and then they was the sound of someone moving on the bed. Alarmed, Jasper ran out of the hall and over to the kitchen to find Sam, Dean, or Castiel to tell them about the person torturing Emma in her room. Luckily, Sam was in there frying up bacon and keeping an eye on the toaster for the bread he put in there. He looked up for a second at the alarmed half-demon to indicate that he saw him.

"Someone's hurting Emma in her room! You and Dean should go storm in!" He rushed out, slightly out of breath from running. Sam chuckled which surprised Jasper because he thought Sam would've panicked, dropped everything he was doing, and rushed in there with a gun or something and Dean following behind. Instead he did the exact opposite. "What's so funny? Someone's hurting Emma!" Sam looked over at the teen.

"No one's 'hurting' Emma. Gabe went in there a little bit ago to help her with her wings. She's fine, Jasper, no need to worry." Jasper looked at the taller hunter then to the floor in embarrassment.

"Oh. I-I didn't know." Sam chuckled again as he set the bacon on a plate and went to go get the toast that had popped up.

"It's fine, Jasper. Really. I'm glad you care so much." Sam smiled as he put the toast and some pancakes onto the plate with the bacon. "Emma needs a friend her age that cares as much as we do." Sam smirked. "But you two are no longer friends, aren't you?" Jasper blushed.

"Wha-what gave you that idea?" Jasper couldn't look Sam in the eye. The older boy chuckled, ruffling Jasper's hair on his way to the door with his plate.

"Dean and Cas were watching you two yesterday when everyone calmed down. Dean, of course, was the one to understand what was going on when you guys couldn't stop smiling." Jasper looked to the floor. "Why are you so embarrassed?"

"Because I-" Jasper stopped himself. "Because I've never had a friend let alone a girlfriend. I just want Emma to be safe." Jasper whispered. Sam smiled softly at him. "I should've gotten to the room sooner but all of the rooms looked the same." Sam set down his plate to give Jasper a hug. "Now her dad's dead and her wings hurt because I wasn't fast enough."

"Hey, don't blame yourself. Like we told Emma last night, Balthazar died trying to protect Emma. If he didn't take the blow than Emma would've and she would've ended up dead. And more deaths are on Dean's and my hands than yours so don't beat yourself up." Sam grabbed his plate and started for the door. "There's some pancakes left and bread to make toast if you're hungry." Sam stopped and looked over his shoulder. "And if you thought Gabe was hurting her than you might want to go in there to keep her still. I've seen what Gabe does to her so her wings can grow, it looks painful." Jasper nodded before they both went their separate ways.

The half demon walked back into the hallway with the rooms and opened the door to Emma's. Sitting on her bed, Gabe was running his fingers through the few feathers Emma still had. Emma had her head hung and was humming something, her back towards Gabe. Jasper cleared his throat to alert his presence; Gabriel was the first to look over in his direction, a smile forming on the trickster's face.

"Jasper, right?" Jasper nodded. "I don't think we ever properly met. I'm Gabriel, this one's uncle." Gabriel motioned to Emma with a tip of his head.

"I would introduce myself but you already know my name. But I'm Emma's friend." Emma looked up with a questioning look. "Her friend that is a boy." Gabe snorted.

"Dean told us about the two of you last night." He informed the teen. "You're her boyfriend but there's nothing wrong with that. I think it's cute." Gabe winked. Emma rolled her eyes.

"Uncle Gabe!" She whined. Gabriel laughed. "What's up, Jas?"

"Sam said I could come sit with you." Emma scooted up, wincing when Gabe's hand didn't move with her and hit a part of the bone in her wing that was still swore from when Crowley plucked her feathers. Gabe scooted over after that and Jasper sat down.

"You know, I'm almost done with her wings for today." Gabriel started with a smirk. "All I need left is to help spread the oil onto her wings that protects them from when they get damp. I've always thought it that it was an intimate interaction so. . ." Gabriel drifted off. Emma and Jasper didn't understand where he was going with it. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Jassie, if I coach you through it do you want to spread the oil over her wings?" He flat out stated. Jasper looked taken aback.

"Uh, yeah, yeah um, sure. I mean if Emma's okay with it." She shrugged. Gabriel and Jasper switched places on the bed. Gabe grabbed Jasper's hands and placed one at the base of one of Emma's wings. Jasper felt something soft and liquidy start to coat his fingers.

"So you want to make sure that you coat her feathers first then the bone. But make sure to completely coat her feathers." Gabriel explained. Jasper nodded before covering his other hand in the oil and then preceded to rub his hand through Emma's feathers. Emma trembled at the touch so Jasper stopped.

"Did I hurt you? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Gabe chuckled under his breath.

"N-no, you did fine. It was just. . . It felt different." She told him a little shakily. "A good different." Jasper smiled before continuing. Emma moaned at his touch. Gabriel smirked before standing up.

"Alright you two, I'm gonna go before this gets too weird." He said as he started for the door. "Don't do anything I would do." Emma giggled at the trickster as she watched him leave. Jasper continued to coat her feathers with the oil that she was creating. Emma continued to moan and tremble under his touch because the feeling felt so. . . heavenly which seemed ironic to the young nephilim.

"That feels. . . mmm. . ." Emma couldn't form a proper sentence. Jasper laughed softly. It wasn't long after that Emma's left wing, both feathers and bone, was covered in the golden-y oil that kept her wings safe. Jasper then switched to the other wing, starting with the feathers.

"Did Gabriel say how long it will take for your feathers to grow back?" Jasper asked, trying to spark a conversation while he helped Emma out. Emma hummed before answering.

"A couple of weeks." She slurred slightly before shrugging. "Maybe like three to five." Jasper nodded as he started on her bone.

"He said last night that he could help with the burn marks." Jasper recalled, rubbing his thumb over a spot on her arm where Balthazar's wings were burned into her skin. Emma nodded.

"I don't want them gone just yet." Emma repeated. "Maybe not ever."

"I know that and there's nothing wrong with that." Jasper wiped his hands on his pants to get rid of the extra oil. Emma turned around to face him. "I think it's just another thing that make you unique." Emma smiled, her gazing focusing on the blanket instead of Jasper's eyes. "And beautiful." Emma giggled as a blushed formed across the bridge of her nose spreading to the top of her cheeks.

"No. . . I'm not. . . No." She mumbled. Jasper smiled at her though she didn't see it. He slowly leaned before closing the gap between them in a kiss. Shocked, Emma didn't do anything for a few seconds before she kissed back. Jasper pulled away slightly, resting his forehead on hers.

"Your uncle was right. I think it would've been weird if your uncle coated your wings as I watched."

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