Big Trouble

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Dean and Sam drove to the park just in time to find Emma and Castiel running out of nowhere. Without wasting anytime, Dean got out of the car and ran over to the angels, an angry look on his face. Emma had tears in her eyes but Castiel looked fine.

"What they hell were you two thinking?!" Dean started. Emma looked up at him sadly which caused him to soften a bit.

"I just wanted to see my mom again. I never got to say goodbye the first time." Emma explained, whispering the last part but Dean heard. Sam ran up behind them, a softer expression on his face. "I'm sorry, Dean."

"Hey, it's okay."

"No it's not. You didn't want me to go to Crowley but I did anyway." Emma hung her head. "I understand if you don't want to take care of me anymore." Dean and Sam looked shocked. Sam ended up elbowing Dean in the rib cage for how he acted.

"Oh Emma, no that's not it. I was just worried about you, that's all." Emma looked up a little. "Bring it in, Angel." Dean said as he spread his arms out. Emma smiled as she gave him a hug. Dean rubbed her back as he glared up at Castiel. "Let's go home."

The four of them started walking back to the Impala, Sam and Emma in the lead. Dean pulled Castiel behind by the collar of his trench coat. He might have been done with yelling at Emma but he wasn't done with yelling at the older angel.

"What were you thinking?" He asked in a harsh whisper.

"What do you mean? I went after her to make sure she was safe."

"But trusting Crowley? Going to Hell without us? Dude, next time you want to protect her tell us what's happening."

"I'm sorry Dean." Castiel apologized.

"Save it." Dean continued walking until he got into the Impala. Castiel followed behind him but he got into the backseat with Emma. When they got back to the bunker Emma tried going back to her room but Dean stopped her by grabbing the collar of her leather jacket. "I don't think so." The four of them walked into the library. "You, Missy, are not leaving our eyesight."

"Dean." Sam said. "Isn't that a little harsh?"

"No. This way she can't sneak out on us again." Dean went into her room and brought out her books for her. "You're not leaving this bunker for awhile so read up." Emma sat down across from him and picked up a book. Castiel didn't say anything when Dean turned to him. "As for you, no more hunts."

"I don't think you can-"

"Nuh-uh! No more hunts. For now at least." Dean cut him off with saying. Castiel just stood there, not showing any emotion. "You two went out behind our backs and could've died."

"We almost did." Emma whispered. Dean whipped his head around so fast he should've gotten whiplash.

"You what?" Emma bit her tongue and continued reading. Dean turned back to Castiel. "And how exactly did you almost die?"

"Emma went into the room her mother was in and Crowley slammed the door behind her. We couldn't open it and Crowley just left us to figure it out." Dean sighed.

"God dammit Cas! You can't just say these things like it were nothing!"

"Dean, I think he gets it." Sam spoke up. Dean slid a hand down his face. "You can calm down now."

"How come you aren't getting worked up about this? You're her guardian too!"

"I at least understand why she did it! Wouldn't you give anything to say anything to mom again?" Dean stopped dead in his tracks and just stared at Sam. "That's all she did. Went to say goodbye to her mom. To get closure. Emma didn't care how she got it." Emma looked up a little, a sad expression still on her face.

"I get it Sam."

"Do you? Are you sure you get it?"

"Yes!" Dean yelled as he turned around and started walking out of the library.

"Where are you going?!" Emma called after him.

"To a bar!" Was the last thing Dean said before they heard the Impala's engine starting and it pulling out of the garage. Emma looked down at her book before closing it.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. Sam caught it and turned to look at her, crouching down to rest a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's not your fault. Crowley used the love you have for your mother against you so he could get to you. I understand why you went." Sam reassured. "Just promise me that you won't do it again."

"I promise." Emma said, a small smile forming on her face. "Is Dean going to be okay?" Sam nodded.

"Yeah, he just has to walk it off, that's all." Emma nodded. "You hungry? I can make you some food. You might have leftover pancakes." Emma shook her head.

"I'm fine."

"You sure?" She nodded. "Okay, continue reading. How far along are you?"

"I'm on the sixth book."

"Mind if I take a look?" Emma shook her head so Sam picked up the book, careful that he didn't lose her spot. He read the back of the book and flipped through it a little. Sam remembered what this was about; his friend was being accused of murdering his girlfriend when it was really a shape-shifter. Dean ended up being accused of murder because of the being. "These don't scare you?" Emma shook her head as she took the book back.

"My mom always said that if I wasn't scared they wouldn't hurt me. The angels have really been the only things to attack me." Sam nodded.

"Are you afraid of them?" Emma shrugged as she looked up at Castiel who was watching for Dean even though they knew he wasn't coming back just yet.

"Depends on the angel." Castiel smiled at her, she smiled back. "Gabriel and Castiel."

"What about them?"

"They don't scare me."

"Why's that?" Sam asked, genuinely curious as to why those two angels didn't scare her. Yes she had been rescued by Castiel but Gabriel was kind of random. Unless Gabriel was her father. But he thought he heard Castiel say differently so why Gabriel?

"Because Gabriel took care of me every once in a while and Castiel protected me when the angels came. I know they'll never hurt me so why should I be afraid?" Sam laughed.

"Smart girl."

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