We're Not in Kansas Anymore

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Emma fidgeted on the bed, messing with the handcuff that was attached to her wrist and the bedpost. Baby was in the kitchen heating something up for them to eat, leaving Emma cuffed to the bed in the other room, her wings soaking from all of the oil he's coated her wings with to keep her from flying. Sighing in defeat, Emma gave up on trying to get out of the handcuffs. Her wrist hurt from where she was tugging on it. Instead she closed her eyes and looked to the sky.

"C'mon, please." She pleaded with what an outsider would claim to be no one. "Please come rescue me." Her prayer was cut short when Baby came back out, two bowls of mac and cheese in hand, and sat down on the bed, handing a bowl to Emma. She looked at it in disgust. Baby shrugged and set the extra bowl aside.

"Suit yourself. I'm not gonna force you to eat." He told her. She looked around the rundown motel room, not finding anything that she could use to get out. Baby stretched and wrapped an arm around Emma's shoulders as he continued eating his dinner, Emma nearly bit his ear off because of it. Baby scooted over a bit. "Hey, you can hate me all you want but if you keep protesting everything I do, I won't go so easy on you."

"Bite be!" Emma snarled and lunged forward at him, tying the two spoons together with her telekinesis once they were around his neck. Emma forced the metal spoon into his neck, trying to choke him but it didn't seem to be working. Baby just chuckled.

"Oh sweet, sweet Emma. A witch hexed me, you're gonna have to do better than that." Emma stopped trying to choke him, sending the spoons flying across the room. Something in her mind sparked. This time, she looked over the boy with a new reason; a reason that would help get her out. "There we go. thGood girl." Emma threw him a fake smile before lunging at him again, this time less harsh. "Whoa there, someone's had a change of heart."

"Quite." She responded, almost sounding deadly. Emma ripped his leather jacket off of him and pulled it to her lap as she sat back down on the bed. Baby was confused but didn't seem to mind until Emma pulled out the hex bag that was in his pocket. He lunged for it but Emma got off the bed just in time, her wrist pulling slightly because of the handcuffs attached to the bed. Emma threw the hex bag up in the air and then caught it in a teasing matter. Baby looked pissed. "Ooh, are you scared of what sweet little Emma could do?" She teased. Baby lunged for it again but she threw it across the room. He raised an eyebrow at her before getting up to go get it. He was halfway to the bag when Emma grabbed it using her angel powers. 

"You sly bitch." Emma smiled, knowing she was in control of how this went. Using her angel grace, she burned the handcuffs that were keeping her attached to the bed. Emma ran and grabbed her trench coat and put it on quickly as she ran to the door, pocketing the hex bag. Baby ran after her as Emma darted through the hallways of the motel and then through the front doors. "Give it back!" Baby yelled as the both came to a stop in the middle of the street. Emma kept taking small steps back until she was on the curb.

"And if I do?" She asked, taking the hex bag out of her pocket. "You'll take me back inside and lock me up even tighter?" Baby shook his head. "Or will you give me to the witch that hexed you?" He started to nod before shaking his head. Emma laughed. "Cute. But stupid." With a flex of her hand, the hex back caught on fire. 

Baby lurched forward at the sudden pain in his gut. Emma watched as he transformed back into the '67 Chevy Impala that she had once loved. Before she climbed in, Emma made sure no one was by her. When she saw that the street was deserted, she climbed in, started the engine, and then rammed the car into the nearest building. It totaled the car but Emma made sure that the building stayed fine by warping reality. Instead of getting out of the car once Emma had finished with what she desperately wanted to do since he kidnapped her, she teleported back home to seek comfort from her parents.

But when she came into the library, she found that the room was empty. With a shrug of her shoulders, Emma walked into her room to get a pair of clothes to change into and then walked over to one of the many bathrooms in the bunker to take a shower. Her oil covered wings were starting to bug her so she needed to wash of the excess oil. Plus she had to wash her hair, she felt like the grime from the motel was covering her whole body and she just wanted to get out of her school uniform.

Emma hopped into the shower and then turned her back to the shower head so her wings would get most of the water that hit her. She could feel the oil drip down her back as the water hit her back. It felt like heaven to the angel. 

When she was done in the shower, she got dressed in a pair of leggings and a comfy, over-sized sweater that Emma loved to wear when it was cold outside. Then she walked out and sat down in one of the chairs around the table in the library, bringing her knees to her chest and resting her head on her hand that was one the arm of the chair. She pulled out her phone and dialed the first name in her contacts. They picked up on the third ring. 

"What's up girly?" Charlie's voice popped up. 

"Um, hi." Emma responded softly. "Do. . . Do you know where everyone went?" Charlie didn't responded right away.

"Nooo." She dragged out. "Where did they go?"

"I don't know. I think. . ." Emma didn't want to continue. "I think I know where they might be. Thanks Charlie." Emma hung up almost instantly and brought her knees up closer to her chest. "Why do you boys still love me? I've brought you nothing but trouble." She whispered to herself. 

Castiel stopped walking abruptly and slapped Dean's arm. Dean, who was alarmed at why his husband suddenly stopped and hit his arm, looked to Cas with a questioning look. Cas gestured to his head very subtly then to Rowena who had also stopped. 

"He. . ." She mumbled. Sam and Gabriel stopped too when they saw that everyone in their group did. Rowena turned to face the Winchesters, a fake smile on her face. "Slight set back, boys, but nothing to worry about." She admitted before turning around. Sam raised an eyebrow at her but Gabe had already looked over at his brother and was caught up to speed. Dean, however, was still out of the loop. 

"Dean, Emma found the hex bag and burned it. Baby is back into car form." Castiel whispered, their fingers brushing up against each other. Dean's eyes lit up but then the angel continued. "She totaled the car, Dean, which was the right thing to do."

"So where is she now?" Dean whispered back. Castiel thought for a second, trying to find Emma's prayer. Castiel looked down to the floor once he found it.


"That's great!" Dean cut off. Castiel shook his head. 

"Yes she's home, but she feels like everything is her fault. We need to get home fast before she gets worse." Dean nodded then whistled for Sam's attention. They had a mental conversation before going to their significant others to teleport away. When Rowena turned back around, the boys were gone. Sighing, she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Why am I not surprised." She threw her hands up and looked around at where they had be previously standing. 

Dean was the first to rush over to Emma and wrap her in a hug, not caring about the tears streaming down her cheeks and her droopy wings that were still wet from her shower. His daughter was hurting and he needed to make it right. Castiel was the second and Emma could feel his wings wrap around her even though they couldn't see them. 

"You are never leaving this house again." Dean commented as they pulled away. Emma laughed a little.

"Fine by me, dad." Dean pulled her in again but much tighter.

"And I love you because you are my daughter and I care for you. Trust me, Angel, we can handle a little trouble." Emma sniffled.

"But it started with Crowley and hell, then Lucifer and Crowley, and then now. You've had to save me three times in the span of three years." Dean pulled away far enough so he could look Emma in the eyes, cupping her face and brushing the tears that had fallen away. 

"And I will save you as many times as you need saving. I'm a Winchester, Emma, it's our family business." 

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