Emma's Week at Bobby's

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About a month or so after the case where they met Jasper, Dean and Sam found another case that they both agreed was way to dangerous for Emma to tag along in. Castiel and Gabriel offered to watch over her but the four of them have been off since Gabriel's comment about their relationship status so the Winchesters told the two angels that she was just going to stay at Bobby's. 

They dropped her off at his house on their way to the hunt with an overnight bag then sped off. Emma walked up to the door, trying to act confident, and knocked. Barely a second later, the old man opened the door with a smile and gestured for her to come in. Emma stood close to the door inside, her bag slung across her back as she played with the strap. 

"The boys say where they were going?" Bobby asked as he walked into the kitchen. Emma shook her head but then realized he couldn't see her.

"No. Just that I wasn't strong enough to go with them yet." She responded. Bobby nodded from where he stood. "I'm guessing that means you don't know?" 

"Sorry kid, them boys didn't say a word on their whereabouts." Emma nodded, taking in the small house. This was only her second time being here and she still didn't feel comfortable with other people. Especially other hunters. "Have they been training you to go on hunts like this?"

"Bits and pieces." Emma responded, taking her bag off her and dropping it onto the couch. "Basically just self protection." She continued as she made her way to the kitchen and stood over the counter, watching Bobby cook. "Stuff's been a little tense back at home so I didn't expect that they would." Bobby turned to look at her, and eyebrow raised.

"Why's it been tense? It's only been a month or so since Gabriel showed up." Emma nodded.

"Yeah but. . ." She sighed. Emma hated being out of the loop on things when it came to the people taking care of her. Especially when they know about her wings. "I don't know. Uncle Gabriel said something on the way home that Sam and Dean freaked out about." She shrugged. "All I can tell is that Dean and Sam stand on one side and Cas and Uncle Gabe stand on the other." Bobby thought about what she had just said as he made dinner for the two. "I think-" Emma stopped, she would be going into something that she could only tell because of her angel side, did she really want to continue? Taking in a deep breath she decided to finish the statement, Bobby needed to know in order to help her through it. "I think it had something to do with their love lives." Bobby snorted. 

"Everyone they've ever loved ends up dead or worse." He commented. Emma decided not to question the or worse part. "And what could that feathered trickster have said to get them so worked up?" Emma bit her lip.

"I think- and I can be wrong so please don't tell them- that Cas likes Dean and Gabe likes Sam and vise-versa." That caused Bobby to completely turn around and look at the young nephilim. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed it before! With the way Dean and Cas look at each other. How Cas always stands so close to Dean, he doesn't stand like that with anyone else but Dean! And Sam's reaction when Uncle Gabe arrived was like he couldn't believe his lover came back from the dead!" Emma reasoned and Bobby just listened, a smile creeping up on his face. Emma noticed and calmed her tone. "But I don't think they want to act on their feelings which kinda sucks." She bit her lip. 

"You're pretty enthusiastic about this, aren't you?" Emma smiled a little and nodded. Bobby smiled. "Then I'm sure those boys won't have to think twice about acting on their feelings." Emma cocked her head to the side. "Because they'll want to see you happy and it would be making themselves happy in the process." Emma's smile widened. 

"They wouldn't do that just for me." She denied. Bobby set the food on the table before grabbing a beer and a bottle of pop for the minor. Emma made her way over to the table and sat down. "Would they?"

"Sam and Dean love you, Emma, I'm sure they would." Emma took a bite of her food, thinking everything over. Bobby sat down across from her and dug in. "Plus those boys are always doing something stupid so what's one more stupid decision?" Emma laughed. Bobby smiled at the way the young nephilim lit up. "Why don't you talk to the four of them when you go back home? I'm sure they'd listen to you." Emma shrugged. 

"I doubt it." She mumbled.

Emma spent about a week at Bobby's, the older hunter becoming a grandfather figure to the young angel. They helped each other out at times in need; Emma helped him with answering the phones when someone called and Bobby protected her when the angels found her. Though she didn't like it, Bobby even killed a few of them because they wouldn't step down. Emma didn't like that she caused the death of her fellow brethren but Bobby assured her that it was fine.

When Dean and Sam picked her up to take her back to the bunker, she wouldn't stop telling them about what she did while they were away. Both brothers had smiles on their faces as they listened to their nephilim. From the sound of it she had a blast.

"And this pair of hunters were fighting a nest of vampires but they had to call Bobby because the actual FBI showed up and nobody knew who to trust." Emma recalled. "And another hunter got into so much trouble with the feds that Bobby had to bail her out!" Dean chuckled as he switched lanes. 

"Glad you had fun, angel." Emma's smile radiated off of her and hit the front seat. "Guess we'll have to take you to Bobby's more often when we have hunts you can't help out on." Emma nodded. 

"Please do! I had so much fun this week!" She pleaded. Sam promised her they would. "And, um, now that I have the two of you with me there's something I have to ask." Emma bit her lip in embarrassment. Sam and Dean shared a look, different things running through their minds all at once. "Um. . ."

"Go on Emma, we're listening." Sam encouraged her.

"I know things are tense back at home with the four of you." She whispered. "It's not something you guys hide well. And I might know why it is you guys are acting awkward around each other and everything." Dean looked at her through the rear view mirror. "But I'm not 100% sure that's the reason so please don't yell at me!" Emma rushed. Dean smiled at her.

"What's the reason, sweet pea?" Emma took in a deep breath. 

"You like Cas and Sam likes Uncle Gabe." Dean's jaw tightened slightly.

"Of course we do, angel. They're our friends." 

"Not that kind of like." Emma said slowly. "I mean you like like Cas." Dean raised an eyebrow. "You love Cas." Emma blurted. Dean didn't say anything. "And Sam loves Uncle Gabe." She said slowly, watching how the brothers reacted. "But I could be wrong!" Sam let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 

"No, Emma, you're right about our feelings. We do love the two angels but it's just hard to admit it to them." Sam explained. "In our line of business it's hard to have anyone close to you."

"But Cas and Uncle Gabe have worked with you for like, forever! They're in the business too!" Emma pointed out. Sam smiled thinly.

"They are but we've lost the two so many times and they've lost us. . . It might not be the best idea." Emma nodded. 

"Can you at least give it a shot?" She pleaded. Sam and Dean looked to each other before nodding.

"Sure thing. We'll give the angels a shot." 

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