Demon Baby

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In the morning the three of them went to a couple that Sam had figured out adopted a son about thirteen years ago. That's where they were starting with with the whole demon's child thing. Emma didn't seem to mind, she was just a little scared that her plan wouldn't work out.

When they got to the house the mother opened the door and Sam and Dean pulled out their badges. The woman didn't look startled at the badges but Emma caught her look behind her and down. Then she noticed Emma standing behind the two men.

"What's the FBI doing with a kid?" She asked. Emma moved forward a little.

"Emma Stark, ma'am. It's uh, it's bring your daughter to work day." The woman nodded and let them inside.

"My son's downstairs if you don't want to listen in on our conversation." Emma looked over to Sam and Dean who nodded. Emma nodded her thanks before walking downstairs.

There wasn't much light and the little that was there was coming from the television. The boy was sitting on the couch, not paying attention to the girl walking down the stairs. Emma noticed that he seemed to be huddled in the corner of the couch. She cleared her throat before landing on the even basement floor. The boy looked up and smiled faintly at Emma.

"Hi." She whispered. "I'm Emma. My dad's upstairs talking to your mom, she said I can come down." The boy didn't say anything. "Can I sit down?" He nodded so Emma took a seat next to him.

"Jasper." He mumbled.

"Well hello Jasper. Now my dad has heard that some of the pranks that are being pulled here are going a little too far. Do you know anything about that?" Jasper looked up from his knees and shyly looked at Emma.

"I didn't mean to."

"No one's blaming you." She reassured. "I just wanted to know if you knew anything about it." Jasper looked back down.

"This boy put itching powder in his sister's hairbrush. She ended up scratching her brains out. A joy buzzer electrocuted some of the kids in school. My mother says it wasn't my fault but I feel like it is." Emma touched his shoulder ever so lightly but he flinched so she pulled away.

"Why do you feel like it's your fault?" Jasper turned so his whole body was facing the corner of the couch.

"Because. . . Because I'm different. My birth mother if I can even call her that is a demon. I-I possess these powers that nobody can tell me how to control and only seem to be getting worse. The pranks went to far because I believed that's how they worked. Everyone's dead because of me." He whispered. Emma didn't know what to say. After minutes of the two sitting in silence, Emma seemed to remember what made her different.

"Hey, I think you should see this." She spoke up. Jasper looked over his shoulder a little as she shrugged off her jacket. Emma's white angel wings stretched out before flapping a little and going back to being pinned to her back. Jasper's eyes widened as he turned his whole body to face Emma. "My dad is. . . was, I think, an angel. Most angels don't have their wings, at least you can't see them so my wings make me different." Emma explained as she looked at the now outstretched wings. She looked at Jasper. "You're not the only one who's different, Jasper. But different doesn't have to be a bad thing. I may not be able to teach you how to use your powers but if you believe in yourself I'm sure you'll be able to by yourself."

"You think I can do that?" Emma nodded.

"At least you've got parents to protect you if things go bad. My mom died a couple years ago and my dad, well, I don't know where he is. Your parents are upstairs and I know your mom is covering your behind. If you trust your parents and yourself I'm sure you'll be able to accomplish great things." Jasper smiled and gave Emma a hug. She hugged back and smiled. "Now I think my job is done here." The two giggled before Emma got up and headed for the stairs.

"Wait! Can you stay in touch?" Emma shook her head a little.

"I don't have a phone." She admitted. Jasper looked down in thought.

"What about a computer?"

"My um. . . My uncle has one. We live together so I bet he'll let me use it." Jasper nodded before disappearing into another room in the basement. He came back with a computer in his arms. Emma walked over to him as he opened it.

"What's his email?" Emma went on to tell Jasper what Sam's email was. Jasper typed it in and then wrote a simple message. 'Hey, it's Jas'. "Jas?" Emma asked furrowing her eyebrows similar to how Castiel does when he's confused.

"It's my nickname. Only the people that I'm close to call me it." He looked down and blushed slightly but Emma couldn't see it because it was so dark. "Since you showed me your wings and I told you about the demon thing I thought. . ."

"No need to explain. I think it's cute." The two shared a smile. "I almost forgot my jacket!" Emma exclaimed. Jasper walked over to the couch and grabbed it for her. "Tha-"

"I can walk you up." He cut her off. "Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off like that."

"It's fine and I would like that." Jasper and Emma walked up the stairs and then into the living room where Sam, Dean, and Jasper's mom were talking. Sam and Dean raised an eyebrow at Emma but she just mouthed the words 'in the car'. "Are you guys done? I'm hungry." She complained. Everyone looked over at her and blinked. That's not how she normally acts.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah. we're done." Dean said before standing up. "You're hungry?"

"That's what I said. You made me skip breakfast so I could go to this bring your daughter to work day." Emma explained to Dean which wasn't true. Sam made her eggs before they left. Emma rolled her eyes. "I'll meet you in the car." Emma left the house and got in the backseat of the car. Dean and Sam looked shocked as to what she just did. Sam cleared his throat and looked over at Jasper's mom.

"I'm sorry about my partner's daughter. We'll be going." With that Sam and Dean left the house and got into the Impala. Dean opened his mouth to correct Emma's attitude but he didn't get the chance to say anything, she spoke up.

"Sorry about that. I had to make it believable if we were to leave." Dean closed his mouth and nodded a bit. "And I'm not hungry it was just part of the act."

"That was smart." Dean complimented. "Make a scene so we could go. Maybe we should bring you on more hunts." Emma smiled a little in the backseat.

"Oh! Jasper was the one that was doing it but he didn't mean to. He knows what he is and his powers just got out of hand. All cleared up." Dean and Sam shared a look before nodding. They were impressed by how she solved it. "I gave him your email because I don't have a phone and he wanted to stay in touch." Sam chuckled.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm guessing he knows what you are?"

"Yep. He thought he was different which he is but he thought it was a bad thing so I showed him how I'm different." Dean started the car and they started driving back to the bunker. "That's it? The hunts over?"

"Yeah kiddo. You solved it, there's not much we can do." Emma's smile dropped and her shoulders slumped.

"Oh." Dean and Sam smiled. "Can I come on more?" The Winchesters laughed.

"Yeah Em, you can come on more." Sam allowed. Emma's smile reappeared.

"Sweet!" She cheered. Dean and Sam started having their own conversation in the front seat.

"You know, I was thinking." Sam started. Dean groaned which caused Sam to roll his eyes. "Maybe instead of going back to the bunker we should stop and Bobby's." Dean looked over at Sam.

"Why?" Sam cocked his head to the backseat.

"So he can meet his grandkid." Dean snickered. "I mean we are her guardians so doesn't that make him her like, honorary grandfather or something?"

"I guess." Dean changed the direction they were going.

"He should meet our little angel." Dean smirked but not at the term of endearment Sam used.

"The look on his face is going to be priceless!"

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