Winchester Baby

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Castiel and Dean had been trying for weeks to get pregnant but they didn't seem to be having much luck. Castiel had even gone about finding a female vessel that strangely looked a lot like Jimmy Novak if Jimmy was a girl. Emma found it odd to call Castiel pops and didn't quite want to start calling him mom so for the time being she had just continued calling him Cas or Castiel.

When Emma was at school one day and Dean was downstairs flipping through channels and Castiel came running down the stairs with a bright smile on her face, it alarmed the ex-hunter. But the way the angel smiled and looked at Dean melted his heart and, though he didn't want to, it caused Dean to relax. Not even a second later, Castiel was shoving something into her husband's hands.

"What's got you in such a cheery mood?" Dean asked, a smile forming on his lips as he watched the angel in front of him. Castiel nodded to the thing she gave Dean. Raising an eyebrow at his wife, he still had to get used to calling Cas that, he looked down at the object that was in his hands. Then back to the angel's eyes. "Are you sure?" Castiel nodded.

"Pretty positive." She remarked playfully. Dean stood up and wrapped Castiel in a hug before twirling her around and giving her a passionate kiss. "Dean, we're gonna have a baby." Castiel muttered as they pulled away, Dean still holding Castiel close to his chest.

"I know." Dean responded. "We're gonna have our own baby angel." Castiel's smile never dropped. Dean leaned back against the arm of the couch, bringing Cas with him, and rested a hand on Castiel's still flat stomach. "I love you." Castiel rested her head on Dean's shoulder and put her hand over his.

"I love you too." The two just stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, neither one wanting to ruin the perfect moment. Finally, and he had been thinking about what to say for a while, Dean spoke up. "We're gonna have to tell Sammy and Gabriel the good news." He whispered. Castiel looked out the window at the house across the street, the car was gone.

"They're not home." Dean chuckled.

"Didn't mean now, just sometime in the near future. And we'll have to tell Emma about her new brother or sister." Castiel's smile brightened.

"We can tell her when she gets home!" She cheered. Dean chuckled and looked at his watch.

"She'll be coming home pretty soon anyway." Dean agreed. "Let's give her time to do her homework and relax. We can tell her over dinner." Castiel nodded. "In the meantime, why don't we go upstairs and recreate this little miracle?" Castiel rolled her eyes as Dean smirked. Dean dragged his beautiful angel upstairs with him and locked the door behind them.

Emma wasn't home long after that so when she walked into the house and heard the shower running and didn't see her parents, she only had one guess as to what went on while she was gone. With a roll of her eyes, the nephilim walked into the kitchen and grabbed an orange from the bowl of fruit and a can of pop before dropping her backpack on the floor and taking out her homework. The shower was still going when Emma went upstairs to work on her homework so she banged on the door to alert her parents that she was home. Dean apparently forgot that she would be coming home because he screamed at the sound of the knocking causing Emma to laugh.

"Just me!" She called over the sound of the shower. Castiel stepped out of their bedroom and saw Emma standing there. Emma turned to face her and smiled. "Hi Cas." Castiel smiled at her daughter.

"Did you scare your father?" Emma nodded. Castiel smirked. "You know, for a former hunter he is quite easy to scare." Emma giggled. The shower turned off and Dean stepped out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist.

"You know I can hear you both, right?" Castiel kissed Dean's cheek and Emma smiled.

"We know." She said. "But we still love you." Dean narrowed his eyes at the two of them before bringing them both in for a hug.

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