Let The Good Times Roll

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"Liv! Be careful!" Emma yelled after her and Jasper's daughter who was currently riding one of Crowely's hellhounds. The three year old giggled as the nephilim sighed when the hellhound turned and, just barely, avoided the kitchen counter. Jasper laughed softly as he wrapped his arms around her. "Why did we let your father bring that thing to Christmas?" She asked, turning to face her husband. Jasper shrugged. "No one can see him."

"I can." Jasper argued. Emma rolled her eyes and pointed to the glasses she was wearing. "How are you still wearing those? They must be dripping in holy oil."

"They are." Dean remarked as he walked up to the couple from the living room. He was wearing his own pair of glasses and a festive sweater that Emma and MJ forced him to wear. "But it's the only way she can see the monster your daughter is riding." Emma pulled away from Jasper to give her father a hug. Dean smiled and hugged her back. "Merry Christmas angel."

"Merry Christmas dad." She whispered. "Is Jack still sleeping in your room?" Dean nodded as they pulled away. "Good. I'm sure he'll be up by the time we have to open presents though." Dean nodded again before they were interrupted by Castiel yelling for him in the kitchen.

"Dean, your daughter is drinking again!" He yelled. Dean rolled his eyes and started for the kitchen.

"Why is she always my daughter when she's doing something wrong?" He shouted back. Jasper and Emma shared a look before laughing. "Mary Jean Winchester, you put that cup down this instant!" Emma giggled as she picked up Liv from the hellhound and held her in her arms. Jasper wrapped his arm around Emma's waist and smiled at the three year old who was still giggling from the ride.

"Again! Again!" She pleaded. Emma shook her head and smiled.

"No, darling, we're gonna go sit down for a while." Emma told her. Liv pouted as Jasper and Emma made their way over to the living room where Crowley was, never moving from his spot. The nephilim rolled her eyes as she sat down on the couch with her demon husband. "Once your grandpas are done yelling at your aunt we're gonna watch Christmas movies and then, once your brother wakes up, we're gonna open presents! Doesn't that sound fun?" Liv nodded before getting off her mother's lap and waddling to Crowley. He smiled at his granddaughter and helped her onto his lap. Emma laid her head on Jasper's shoulder and watched as her father-in-law played with her daughter. "We did good." She admitted. "And neither one have angel wings." Jasper chuckled and nodded. Emma's stretched out behind her before wrapping around the two of them. "I consider that a success." Jasper nodded in agreement as Dean, Castiel, and MJ walked into the living room. The sixteen year old sat on the other armchair as the married couple sat on the other end of the couch with their daughter and son-in-law. Jasper looked around the room.

"Where's Sam and Gabe?" He asked.

"They wanted to celebrate Michael's first Christmas with them separately." Emma answered quietly as Dean started playing one of the Christmas movies. "Plus the boy is still adjusting to the new family, the new lifestyle. They haven't quite told him about the supernatural part of our lives just yet so there's still that." Jasper nodded. "I still can't believe Gabe finally convinced Sam to adopt a kid." She admitted.

"Me neither."


Out of the small party of seven that were watching the movies, only one stayed awake. MJ, who was only sixteen, was the only one awake as the last movie they watched rolled its credits. Perfect timing too because that's when Jack decided to wake up and start crying over the baby monitor. At first, MJ thought Emma was going to wake up when her older sister moved in her sleep but when she ended up turning on her side, MJ got up and went to her parent's room where her nephew was.

"Hello baby Jack." She greeted as she walked over to the baby. He looked up at her, his arms and legs squirming around on the bed. "You need a diaper change?" She asked, not expecting a response from the four month old. MJ changed the baby's diaper before changing him into his super cute Christmas onesie. "Alright, let's go get you some food." MJ picked the baby up off the bed and held him close to her chest as she made her way downstairs and into the kitchen. Setting Jack in the highchair, MJ grabbed a container of baby food from the cabinet and a spoon before handing it to Jack and sitting across from him to help feed him. "Here comes the airplane." She announced, twirling the spoon around in front of him and making airplane noises as it go closer to his mouth. Jack smiled and ate the spoonful of mushed peas and green beans.

When Jack was done eating, MJ cleaned him up and brought him over to the living room to check up on their family. When she saw that everyone was still asleep, MJ grabbed Jack's coat then hers and put both on the respective person before heading across the street to her uncles' house. Knocking on the door, she waited for someone to answer as she bounced Jack in her arms. It didn't take long before Sam opened the door.

"MJ?" He asked, stepping outside and closing the door behind him. "What are you doing here?"

MJ smiled at her uncle. "Everyone fell asleep while watching movies except me and Jack woke up from his nap so it's just the two of us." She explained with a slight shrug. "I know you just wanted to celebrate as a family of three but I don't really know how to entertain a four month old in a house full of sleeping people." Sam laughed, turning to open the door again.

"You two are more than welcome to celebrate with us." He told her. "We were just about to eat dinner." MJ's smile widened as they entered the house. Michael came running over and hugged her leg. She laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Hey buddy." She greeted the six year old. "How's your first Christmas as a family?"

"It was awesome!" He cheered. "I got this super cool race car and tons of chocolate!" MJ and Sam shared a look. "But I also got board games and other cool toys."

"Sounds like you had fun." She stated, handing Jack to Sam who was holding his hands out for his nephew. "What was your favorite gift?" She asked, kneeling down to be at his height.


Sam took Jack into the kitchen to find Gabriel placing the dishes on the table. Gabriel looked up and smiled before continuing his job. Putting the four month old in the high chair they have for when Emma comes over with Jack, Sam started helping Gabriel with the food.

"Everyone's asleep across the way." Sam stated. Gabriel laughed. "So MJ came over with Jack to celebrate with us. Is that okay?" Gabriel shot Sam a look.

"Of course that's okay. They're still a part of this family." He stated. Sam smiled and nodded before calling Michael and MJ over to the table. They all sat down around the table before Sam started dishing out the food to everyone. "MJ, do you want to take your coat off?" Gabriel asked her as they started eating. She looked to Michael before shaking her head. Gabriel and Sam shared a look before nodding. "You can take your coat off." She raised an eyebrow but did as she was told; she was getting hot in it anyway. Her fuzzy black wings flapped behind her before folding up against her back. Michael's jaw dropped when he saw the angel wings attached to his cousin.

"You have. . ." He started. "You have wings!" MJ nodded. "Why do you have angel wings?!"

"Because I'm part angel." She answered simply. Michael's eyes widened. "Your Uncle Castiel is an angel, your father is an angel, Emma's part angel, and so am I." Michael looked between Sam and Gabriel as if trying to figure out which one was the angel. "Gabriel." MJ told him. Michael looked to Gabriel who nodded in agreement. "Jack and Liv are a quarter angel and a quarter demon." Michael's eyes widened even more. "Jasper is a demon and so is Crowley." She added. "He's also the king of Hell." Michael remained silent as he went back to his food. Gabriel, Sam, and MJ shared a look.

"Mike? Are you okay?" Sam asked him, placing his hand over his son's. Michael looked up with a huge smile on his face.

"Okay?! My family is awesome! Of course I'm okay!"

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