New School, New Car

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Emma had to get up early the next day but for the anxious nephilim it wasn't a problem. She barely slept the night before anyway so by the time her alarm clock went off she was up and getting ready for school. Dean and Castiel, who were downstairs eating breakfast already, were surprised to find Emma so perky that morning.

"What's got you in such a happy mood so early?" Dean asked before taking a swig of his coffee. Emma slid down in a seat and grabbed a plate before piling food onto it. She looked up at him with a bright smile.

"It's my first day of an actual high school. Plus, it's my first day going to school with Jasper." She answered before stuffing her face with the food on her plate. Dean and Castiel shared a smile, loving how their daughter was so excited about going to school with her boyfriend. Emma swallowed before speaking. "Jas said he would come by and get me so we could walk to the bus stop together." The smile on her parents' faces dropped. Dean cleared his throat.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" He asked. "Walking to school after what just happened." Emma looked up from her food, her smile dropping slightly.

"I'm only walking to the bus stop." She reasoned. "And it's Jasper, I'm safe with Jasper." Dean and Cas nodded.

"If you feel safe then that's all that is important." Castiel stated. Emma smiled, taking another bite of her food.

"Yeah. . ." She trailed off. Dean raised an eyebrow and smirked. Emma set her fork down as she stared out the window in the kitchen. "He, um, he doesn't know about the whole Impala thing." She whispered. Dean and Castiel shared a look. "He asked about the car last night but I. . ." Emma shook her head. "I didn't want to tell him the truth so I just told him that it crashed during a hunt." Castiel grabbed her hand across the table and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. "He doesn't need to know what happened." The two men nodded. Emma looked back at her parents. "Please don't tell him." She pleaded.

"We would never dream of it." Castiel told her with a soft smile. Emma returned it before finishing her breakfast. Not too long after that did Jasper arrive with his school stuff. Emma ran upstairs to get her things before returning and leaving with the half-demon. Dean and Castiel watched the two teens left for the bus stop, Emma had her arm wrapped around Jasper's and Jasper was carrying her bag for her. Dean smirked before turning to his own significant other. Castiel turned his attention back to the table. "What's the smirk for?" Cas asked as he took a sip of his orange juice. Dean shook his head.

"Nothing." Dean admitted. Castiel narrowed his eyes. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Castiel chuckled. "Because I love you, Castiel." Said angel smiled.

"I love you too, Dean." He admitted before standing from the table and collecting the dirty plates. Dean leaned up against the counter, his coffee mug in hand, and watched as Castiel washed the dishes. The former hunter knew he had to go to the dealership later that day but for the time being he just wanted to watch his husband from behind.

Setting his mug down, Dean got off the counter and walked up behind the fallen angel and wrapped his arms around him. Castiel threw his head back so he could look at Dean and smiled. Dean gave his angel a kiss before pulling away and letting him return to his work.

"Don't forget that you have to go to the dealership later." Castiel reminded him. Dean nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Don't remind me." Castiel chuckled as he put away the dish towel. "I've still got until Emma comes back home." Dean remarked. Castiel walked into the living room with his husband. "Sam's supposed to call me when he wants to go, anyway." Castiel nodded as he curled up against Dean. "If I get another Impala, how would Emma feel?" Castiel shrugged.

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