The Next Step

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Throwing her hands in the air, she let out a defeated scream. The boys had left her to go find their angel on their own and now her secret agent was back in car form. There was only so much she could do to get that angel and now every step closer came with two giant steps back. Rowena can now see why her son never got the girl to begin with.

When she finally got to where Emma had left the car, the witch was beyond pissed. She couldn't believe she was wasting another hex bag on this car when he had already proven his dishonesty and unloyalty but she needed someone who could get inside Emma's head and who better than the car she was once inside of?

It didn't take long for the Impala to transform back into Baby who was sporting a broken nose and arm from the impact of the crash. He looked relieved to be back to his human self until he saw Rowena and how ticked off she looked.

"Oh. It's you." He commented, tending to his broken arm.

"Yes, it's me and I thought we had agreed that you would take the girl and bring her to me?" Rowena reminded. Baby rolled his eyes at her.

"Relax, grandma, I knew the plan."

"So why didn't you follow it?" Rowena crossed her arms and started tapping her foot on the ground. Baby looked disinterested, more focused on his broken nose now.

"Because she was too pretty and innocent for you to kill. I couldn't let you harm her, Rowena, I just. . . couldn't." Rowena pinched the bridge of her nose. "Look, she's been through a lot of torture because of her family and then your son and I guess kidnapping her and handcuffing her to the bed wasn't the best thing to do but I can't see her get hurt again. You know I still remember the day they found her?" Rowena shook her head slightly. "Well, I do. She was this broken little thing that had first fallen asleep on my backseat but then Castiel moved her closer and snapped a blanket onto her and she fell asleep on him. I have been there for her ever since the boys first took her in, Rowena. I've been there for her every time she was hurt and I am not letting you hurt her again." Baby started to walk off to find a hospital that would mend to his arm and nose, leaving Rowena standing on the curb by herself, watching as the car walked away.

"Wow. I never knew how much she really meant to all of them." She mumbled to herself. Rowena's plan was to kill the nephilim that had gotten her son killed but now. . . Now she knew there was no way she was going to manage that without dying first. This little nephilim had the boys- and even the car- wrapped around her little finger because of how sweet and innocent she was. Maybe Rowena had the wrong idea of her from the start.

Emma curled up into a ball on the chair she was previously in. For a tall angel with long wings, the boys always found it interesting on how she could curl up the small. But then they remembered how fragile she was when they met. Dean looked to Castiel as Emma pulled her sweater sleeve over her hand and sighed contentedly. They couldn't keep living this life, not if it kept getting all of them in trouble.

"Em, sweetie, why don't you head off to bed?" Dean suggested. "You've been through a lot these last hours." Emma shook her head as she sat up a little. "Angel, you're exhausted."

"Don't wanna leave you. Feel safer by you. Always have." She mumbled, rubbing her eyes with the back of her sleeve. The four shared a look before Gabriel got out of his seat.

"C'mon sweetie, I'll lay with you." With an arm around her waist, Gabriel led the tired little angel to her room. Sam turned to his brother and brother-in-law.

"I think we should move." Dean and Sam said at the same time. Castiel stared at the both of them, eyes squinted. 

"Move where, Dean?" He asked. "It's not like you two have a house we can go live in." Dean smiled at his husband before shrugging. 

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