Visit From the King of Hell

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The four adults were not expecting what they saw when they woke up. Emma, not knowing what exactly was going on, walked over to one of the bookcases and picked a book before sitting across from the guy that was there when they woke up as the Winchesters, Castiel, and Charlie stared at the man.

"Morning boys." He greeted. Emma looked between them before opening the book. "Brought the girl some different books." The man kicked a bag under the table so it went to her. Emma looked down at the bag and before you knew it she was reading one of those books. The man got up and approached the adults. "Figured she would like those better. And some are educational which she would need."

"Why are you here Crowley?" Sam asked. Crowley mimicked a look a hurt.

"Just came to say hello to the girl. She is quite the cutie." Dean growled.

"Hands off." He barked. Crowley waved a finger.

"I don't want to hurt sweet Emma." Said angel looked up from the book and over to the men.

"You know my name?" She asked. It wasn't as shy as how she was talking yesterday but it wasn't fully confident. Emma fixed her gaze on the man that brought the books. "You're a demon." She stated.

"I prefer King of Hell but yes. And you are a nephilim." Emma looked to Dean for help.

"That doesn't answer her question." Castiel piped up. "How do you know her name?" Crowley looked to Emma, her wings pinned against her back, before looking the Castiel.

"She's causing quite the buzz down in Hell. A nephilim walking among the Earth not to mention that she walked into the hearts of the Winchesters. I have to say, you've known her for less than a day and you're already going soft. She's got quite the power." Emma closed the book and walked over to the five adults. Charlie stepped in front of her to protect her. "No need to get all protective, I'm not going to hurt her."

"What do you want, Crowley?" Sam asked, pressing the question more.

"Can't a friend stop by to say hello to a friend?" Dean and Sam looked at him skeptically. "I came to bring the books for the girl. Her mother said she loves to read, especially the Supernatural books. Quite ironic huh?" Emma peered behind Charlie.

"You've talked to my mom?" Crowley smiled at her.

"Oh yes. Dating an angel would've been one thing. Marrying them would've been fine. But your mother got pregnant with the offspring of an angel which is a huge no no for them. Heaven doesn't want her." Crowley winked. "But Hell was happy to take her in."

"She shouldn't be there." Emma stated, moving out from behind Charlie. "My mom was an amazing person, she deserved to go to Heaven. Bring her there!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, darling." Sam stepped in front of her.

"Go away, Crowley." The King of Hell sighed before teleporting away. Sam turned to Emma. "Don't listen to him." Emma's bottom lip quivered.

"But he said he's talked to my mom." She whispered. Sam hugged her, being careful of her wings. "I miss her."

"When was the last time you saw her?" Charlie asked. Emma pulled away and thought about it for a minute.

"Seven years ago." The mood changed with her answer. If her mother died seven years ago than that would've meant Emma was six when she started living on the street. Emma sniffled before walking back to her seat and opening the book. Her wings wrapped around her which seemed to be the common thing they do.

Dean came and sat next to her; Sam and Charlie across from them; Castiel stood at the end of the table. Emma was too engrossed in her book to realize that they started talking. She had only read the first book in the Supernatural series and now that they were taking care of her she would like to finish it.

"We have to start teaching her how to protect herself." Dean whispered. Everyone nodded in agreement. "First the angels, now Crowley. . ." Dean looked to her. "Who knows who else is gonna track her down."

"I can help with her angelic powers." Castiel offered before rethinking his statement. "That is, if she has any. Other than the wings you wouldn't really know she was a nephilim."

"You did." Castiel nodded.

"That's because I felt that something was off. Anyone else could simply over look it."

"Unless they know who she is." Sam added. "Crowley said she was the topic of discussion in Hell. My bet's on that she's the main thing in Heaven too."

"The two angels that came last night could've been the only ones that know. Other than her father and Cas." Charlie said. Castiel shook his head.

"Gabriel knows about her too." Emma looked up for a brief second which caused the conversation to come to a halt. She looked back down and continued reading. "She said he talked to her when she was eight." Castiel continued, quieting down a little more.

"Why did prankster wings come and visit her?" Sam looked at Dean with a questioning look. "What? It was all I could come up with." Sam shook his head. Castiel glanced at Emma.

"I don't know."

"He felt bad that I was living on the street since I was six without any knowledge of what I was or how to protect myself. Uncle Gabriel brought me to Heaven for the day and told me about what I was and why angels want me dead. Though he didn't teach me how to fight them back. He did teach me how to fly though." Emma responded, not even looking up from her book. "I'm sitting right here, I heard the entire conversation." With that she looked up and closed the book. Everyone looked at her in shock. Dean was the first to recover, clearing his throat before speaking.

"Uh, right. Well Sam and I will teach you how to use guns and wield an angel blade." Emma nodded a little.

"Why guns?" She asked, tilting her head like Castiel does when he's confused. Dean chuckled.

"You angels love doing that, huh? Well, we were planning on bringing you into the family business."

"But I'm not family." Emma said in the same shy demeanor. Dean, Sam, Charlie, and Castiel looked at each other, trying to have a mental conversation until something sparked in Castiel's mind.

"You call Gabriel, 'Uncle Gabriel', right?" He asked. She nodded. "Then you think of him as your uncle. Well, I would be your uncle too."

I would rather consider you a dad. She thought. "But you're not related to Dean and Sam." Was what actually came out of her mouth. The adults laughed. Charlie reached out for Emma's hand across the table.

"Family doesn't have to mean that we're related." Emma nodded slowly. "Though the boys could always adopt you." Emma looked over at Dean with a pleading look in her eyes. He chuckled as he ruffled her hair.

"It would look better than just bringing a random minor on hunts, wouldn't it?"

"People might think it's a little weird." Sam reasoned. Dean nodded.

"Alright. I don't see why we can't get a legal document that says we're the guardians of such a sweet kid." Emma smiled.

"Let's try explaining this one to the hotel managers when they think we're together."

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