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When Emma woke up she smelt a familiar burning smell. Looking around at her surroundings, Emma found the cause of the burning smell. She was sitting on the ground in the middle of a ring of fire. Lucifer had lit something on fire, something that took her a second to figure out.

"Holy oil." She mumbled to herself. Emma's wings were free so she flapped them, creating enough momentum to lift her up. Carefully, Emma tried to fly above the fire but was knock back down, her pant legs burnt from the fire. She huffed and looked around. No demon traps or angel sigils, the only thing that prevented the supernatural from coming in was the ring of holy oil she was standing in. "Damn it, Lucifer."

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" A voice rang out from behind. Emma winced; she had called out his name, basically a prayer to angels. "Oh wait, you can't."

"What do you want Lucifer?" She snapped. Lucifer pursed his lips, his hands grasping at his heart as he feigned being hurt.

"I truly am wounded that you speak to me with such distaste. But to my brothers you speak to them with so much warmth and love. . . Pathetic." Emma stood up, carefully so she didn't hit the fire, and turned to Lucifer. "The Winchesters made you soft, they molded you into becoming their precious little angel. But you're no angel, sweetheart, you're nothing but a weapon." Emma balled her fists at her sides. He smirked. Emma swallowed.

"You scared of me?" She asked, trying to act tougher than she felt. Lucifer chuckled.

"What makes you say that?" He answered the question with a question. Emma smirked. So he was. The ball was in her court now. Lucifer stood in front of her now but not as close as they both knew he wanted to be.

"The ring of holy oil. If you weren't scared of me you would've just tied me up." Lucifer hesitated.

"You're right." He snapped his fingers and a pail of water poured down, soaking Emma and putting out the fire. Emma raised an eyebrow as Lucifer's smirk turned into a grin. "You know what to do Crowley." Before Emma could register what he said she felt someone's hands run up her back causing her to shiver. The hands made their way up to her wings, causing Emma to let out a shaky breath under their touch. She could feel the person smirking behind her as they reached for a feather. Emma's eyes widened as the realization hit her a second too late. Crowley, she assumed, had grasped a feather and pulled. With a blood curdling scream from the nephilim, the feather came off. Crowley grabbed handful and pulled, then another from the other wing. Tears threatened to pour out of Emma's eyes as Crowley kept pulling feathers off her wings. Lucifer stepped forward, grabbing  Emma's chin in his hand causing her to look at him. "You're right, Emma, I'm not scared of you. Because if you know what's best for you, you'll stay put. Or else." Lucifer let go of Emma and Crowley let her wings go so she fell to the ground in pain. Lucifer started for the door, his back to Emma. "Heaven wants you alive. They never said that they wanted you in perfect condition."

Lucifer walked out of the room, leaving a hurt Emma by herself. She looked around the room and whimpered in pain. She flexed her wings which felt like they were on fire. Reaching out to touch one but thought against it, she was already in so much pain.

"Castiel, Gabriel, please come save me." She whispered, no, prayed to them. If Lucifer had come just by Emma saying his name then they had to have heard her when she was praying to them. At least that's what she hoped.

"There's not enough room in the car." Gabriel pointed out, still not liking the fact that Balthazar wanted to come with them. He had complaining the whole time they walked to the garage.

"Then just fly." Came the other angels reply. Gabriel balled his fist.

"I would if I knew where we were going!" He countered. The Winchesters sighed.

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