first meet

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Primo pov:


I heard Princess scream like a banshee I hastily went to her and she jump on me like a koala that make us both stumbled on the pavement floor

"Wooohhh wooohhh hold it Princess,what's the matter?"

"I saw him!!!! I saw him!!!!"

"Saw who????"

"My future husband, duh...."

She said with a pout while riding on top of me.

"Future what!?!?!?!?"

I asked her like an idiot

"My future husband, I saw him at the plaza earlier."

Princess explain but suddenly cut by aunt Paula, Princess mother,who is now looking angrily us outside my bedroom door

"So,that's why you are late,young lady. Where's my liquor?"

"At the kitchen mother."

Princess answer,we are now both in our two feet in front of our drunkard commander (note at my sarcasm). She didn't said another word and left us alone. We both giggle at the same time,well we are still a kid in an age of fourteen.

I, Primo Hope and Princess Acua both born at the same time and we are born without a father. My mother told me she was rape by my biological father,who name that I don't know. And she mention that my father killed her lover at the same day when she was rape. She told me how cruel my father is,maybe that's why I hate to find him,I despite him. He destroyed my mother's life,she make my mother cry all night until her last breath.
I am thankful because my mother treat me well and love me even what my father did to her.
On the other hand I am grateful to aunt Paula and Princess because they let me in in their life after my mother past away.
For me I am totally orphan at the age of 7 years old.
Even aunt Paula is a drunkard and bossy all the way,she didn't lay a hand on us,yes she always yelling most of the time when she is drunk.
I do all the house work at the early age at twelve I take same part time job to the neighborhood to gain some money.
I didn't save any cause aunt Paula always need it,and being a good 'son' to her I just give her the money.

Princess,she is like real princess,she didn't know any house work,she's bossy like her mother lazy,mean sometimes and always play a prank on me. But I just accept it,cause she is my 'twin' sister. I love her and I do anything to make her happy.
Sometimes when she is posses every once in a while she become sweet and a bit nice,like now. We are both laying at my old so goodness bed while starring at the ceiling while she continue her mumbling about how she met the guy,her future husband.
My chest hurt while listening to her,my mind drift to where I met a guy earlier at the In I work this summer.

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