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Prime pov:

It's hurts it's hurts so much like someone stabbing me multiple times to my chest,my stomach ache for pain,it felts like kicking it inside,my breathing became hard,spit drooling to my mouth,I scream loud but no one heard me,I'm alone,all alone.
Aunty is not here,so do Princess.
I weakly curl my body on the tiles floor,tears are now mixing with my snot,until I pass out.


I slowly open my eyes when I heard someone calling me,I look up and saw Princess worriedly kneeling in front of me,my displeased for her I felt earlier are now gone, seeing her worried face looking down on me

"Are you OK Prime,???"

"What happened???"

"You tell me??? You already laying here when I came home."

Princess tell,then I remember the worst pain I felt awhile ago,
The pain still there,I still feel weak and my throat are dry so do my lips


I asked with a raspy voice,hard to talk. Princess look dumbfounded at me for a second

"Ahh??? Oh! OK,wait here."

She said and rush to get me some,I drink the whole glass of water and weakly trying myself to stand up,Princess instantly when to aid me. And she help me to lay to my bed

"So what happened?"

"Just a fatigue, I guess."

I told her unsure then,my gaze went to the wall clock and saw 11:30pm

"Where have you been?"

I weakly asked her,her smile become wide and she slumped her butt beside me

"Well....you knew I am with King...and something happen."

She confess shyly at me while bitting her lips,again I felt a pain in my chest and something building inside if me....rage????
Why I felt this way?
I shook my head to erased that

"What's wrong?"


"You- look kinda angry or something..."

"Oh.....,I just don't feel good..."

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