8# endure

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King pov:

Everything is Mess!

=Don't give IN!, we have an agreement,you will became an Alpha!=

=shut up! Joker!=

=it is for better, King! Just endure it.=

I blocked Joker and answer Alpha William

"Yes,it is Alpha."

I lie to him flatly, avoiding Prime painful gaze.

=d*mn! You! For! Hurting our MATE! GO to our MATE comfort him!=

Royal snarl inside of me,like Joker I blocked him. I need to do this,this is what I believe right for now. If they found out the truth, I don't know what will happen to US,no I don't want anything to happen to Prime,he is innocent, he did nothing wrong,on the other hand this is all my fault,but until I secure my position in this pack,I need to keep my silent.
This is the price of deceiving the whole pack because of my ambition, and for keeping him 'safe'.
My thought interrupted when I heard a booming voice of alpha William

"Everybody dismissed!!!! You follow me, ( he told me) and you (William pointed a finger to the shaking Prime petite body ) locked him on the cell"

William said in a flatly tone that widened my eyes. Before I can react someone hold tightly at my shoulder with pressure,I look at to Joker who slightly shook his head. Royal now howling growling, scratching inside of me wanted to surface. I used all my energy to prevent him to come out and follow our Alpha inside.
I am just entering the Alpha's office when someone punched me hard enough to slammed on the wall with force,blood spilled to my broken nose, I look up my saw my angry father looking down on me with disgusting look.

"What we did WRONG to make you behave like this!?!?!!? All our lives we always teach you MATES are everything to US! But what did you Do!?!?! Putting your Mate in PAIN while letting yourself seduce by that ....that disgusting....."

"Calmed down,hun. Angered wouldn't solved everything."

Said my mother in her soft voice while hugging my father's back then she look at me with sad smile that make me feel guilty

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