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Princess pov:

"Are you pregnant?"

My mind blank for that questions, unconsciously I wrapped my arms around my stomach. It was so fast I see myself laying at our bed while a packdoctor examine me.

"Congratulations Alpha, Luna's two weeks pregnant."

I was overwhelming happy for that confirmation then everyone happily cheering,King went to my side gently caress my hands....for the first time I felt affection from that gestures,a simple gestures that send me an over flowing happiness that I want to treasure from the rest of my life.

"Let's .... Let's.... Getting married."


"For the sake of our unborn child."

I told him, I don't know but I felt I become vulnerable,all running at my mind is protect and secure the future of my unborn child,is this a mother instincts. My thoughts interrupted when I heard King said

"Next month, let's put the wedding next month's."


Joker pov:

What just happened? Everything seem fast

💭 We can't do anything about it. 💭

💭 Knights!?!?!? 💭

💭 She carry OUR next alpha. 💭

💭 She's NOT our Luna. 💭

💭 This is conflicted . Our kind instinctively protect our Luna because Luna is our Alpha's other half,Luna will carry our next Alpha,so Joker... 💭

💭 Damn! Damn damn damn!!!! 💭

I told to myself while punching hard the trunks of the poor tree's,after the event earlier morning I run to the woods to relieve my stress and frustration. I thought I can start to investigate about Princess, that's why I came back here,but this!!!! I didn't predict this will happen too soon. Sher carried the heir of this pack. Now how can I take a move?even Knights my own wolf prevent me do 'bad' things on her that can put her unborn child to any harm.
I am useless until the end.

💭 Joker.... 💭

💭 What should I do? 💭

💭 Let's wait,... that's all we can do now. 💭

Knights answer me sadly.


On the other hand, Fause make up to Primo next morning,he take a leave at his work and take Primo to a cruise. He make Primo enjoyed the cruise as much as he can,even his hearts left to someone else,to the person he didn't thought he will be with. Fause miss that person terribly second by second. The nights he is with Primo slowly been cut until they just sleep cuddle to each other's.

It give Primo a deep negative feeling to himself that he don't want to show to Fause.

💭 Fause,lost his interest in me. 💭

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