32#part two

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Fause pov:

I secretly wince slowly sliding up using the wall to support myself.
While peeking some gaze to my love who are now release by his former Alpha's William's hold. I sigh in relief that his no longer at danger,but his look giving me,make me shiver. He look at me like this is the first time he saw me. My body is in lot of pain,my energy is drained and now my heart shutter cause of his look giving me.

"Tell us."

An enthusiastic voice get my attention,there he is a young teenage boy who look at me innocently but I know , I sense it behind that innocent façade there is a wicked force radiating inside of him. Really vampire is amazing clever in disguise.

"I just found out when I investigated it."

"And what pushed you to investigated it?"

Again I pause for a moment calculating the situation we are in,and base of this little blood sucker in front of me there is no use to lie but still I need to cover Princess out of this

"Primo.... He is split image of his mother."


I look at Wyllard who is now I think interrogating me. It was an easy question......if Joker's not here and didn't here what we're talking about. The silent show their waiting at my response

"Stella Hope. A former member of Descendants (OK...FYI....just pop out of my mind cause just finishing watching it... anime....)
When I found Primo in the brick of life and death ( I just need to emphasize that to make them guilty if they have a conscience of what they did to Primo.) First I thought he is Stella,not until I brought him here and undressed him."

A deep growl vibrate through the room , I stop and we all look at Joker who are very pissed and angry and.......ok jealous....that make me blush....bullshit!!!! I am a freaking 30 plus grow up man not a skinny teenager girl.!
William in a swift move pinned Joker on the floor to hold him

"Ok....pup.....hold your tail.... it's natural to getting jealous if your mate undressed with another man. But this is NOT the time. Get it!?!?!"

William calmly said but his gripped at Joker are firm like a steel. I nod to agree but in split of second when his word sink in my head I snapped to their direction and even Joker are starred at him confused then laughed out loud. William frowning releasing him while looking at Joker like his crazy! I am thinking the same...lol 😅

"Really.........( Stop to recover his breath still laughing 🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣) I.... I.... Almost forget that .... hahaha 😂😂😂😂😂 hahaha... Dxmn....that was hilarious assuming..... Right ....King....."

Joker said while looking at King who has unreadable expressions

"I don't get it?"

I voice out my thoughts,Joker switch his gaze on me and give me a teasing wink that make me arouse at that situation....dxmn I'm horny! And this mutt at my place sniffing up the without shame. I really want to bury myself six feet under the ground!
Joker smirk while looking at my uncomfortable situation,he slowly get up and went my way,his starred make me moan out loud,my pants became painfully tighten.

Now everyone at the room look at me like I am a freaking horny slut! Joker stop in front of me and then gently touched the side of my face.

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