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Narrator pov:

Everyone went to the Light Sinister Pack safety. King hurriedly secured Primo unconscious body to his bedroom, instinct take over to him and to his wolf Royal to attached his mate to his side no matter what. Angela wanted to protest but stop by her husband Wyllard,


"This is a MATE duty to their other half."

Wyllard said while hugging his mate

"Don't worry Mom, Primo just unconscious."

Will told half honestly to his mother cause even he is not sure what is outcome to Primo after what happened earlier.

"I know this is sudden but the council called open forum tomorrow to everyone involved about this decades events."

Pete interrupted

" (Whistle sarcasm) That's sudden."

Don said while eyeing Pete

"( Coughing ) I....(breath heavily) will attend..."


Joker worriedly aid his mate wanted to stand straight weakly, Fause give a fainted smile to him

"The (cough) sooner (take a deep breath) the better ( Fause pause while caressing Joker's the side of his face gently ) like he said (gulped hard) this event running for decades....and it need to stop NOW...."

"I think your mate is right, Joker. This will need to end. I will prepare the departure...oh.....what about My nephew and King?"

Will asked. Pete starred at him blankly and answer

"Primo Hope and King Sinister base on their condition....they will exception in this matter."

"Oh... that's nice of the council...tell them THANK YOU FOR THE CONSIDERATION."

Will said oozing with sarcastically, Vani rolled his eyes and said

"Calm your tits lover boy, you know were here to help."

That's were Will lost his composure

"Help....(Will whispered darkly and laugh) what a great HELP you taking about. (Pause for a moment shook his head slightly then look at Pete and switch to Vani) if you tell us this earlier,we....we did something.... something to prevent this tragedies to happen...many life's destroy because of this."

"The thing you saying is confidential that time. And WE didn't expected this outcome to happen. We ALL surprised about this."

Vani said flatly. Will about to answer him when Wyllard come between them

"Let's save this talk tomorrow,hope they have accepted answer to our questions."

Wyllard said while starring directly at Pete and Vani

"See you tomorrow gentlemen."

Pete said then walk away, follow behind him Vani.

"I am going with them."

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