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Fause pov:

I don't feel anything about him,like I am numb about his presence. But when he suddenly yanked my hands , electricity of sparks are flowing inside my body,my mind blank for a moment,but my heart beat fast like a drum that filled my ears.
I just stand there like a statue everything around me,us doesn't matter anymore at that moment.
Then I heard a voice,calling me.
The moment I feel when I lay my eyes on him, instantly disappeared, like it never happened.
What was that?
I thought to myself,so I focus my attention to Primo who is worriedly looking on us,I calmly went to Primo side even the truth I wanted to run on him and hide to his back, I terrified to this feeling strange to me,like a storm suddenly appeared without warning.

"Hey... everything is good,no worries."

I bravely told to Primo,then I hide him on my back. Before I starred blankly to this brat in front of us.

"Do you know him,baby?"

I saw the pain in this brat face when I asked Primo. Primo step out and face this brat even Primo's body trembling beside me.

"What do you want,....Joker?"

Joker....that what his name just starred us quietly,again that pain clenched my heart while looking at him,I clenched my jaw tightly to hold my emotions wanted to came out and told with an icy tone

"I think that brat, doesn't want to answer your questions. Let's go."

The truth I just wanted to get out in this place,I about act to leave when he suddenly yanked my arms,my body quickly tense to his hold,the sparks are now more intense,too good too addictive.

"I search for him... Hope... Just a minute... Please just a minute..."

He begged, that's it. This must be stop. I lean to his ears and whisper

"Back off... I won't let you or your pack hurt my boyfriend again."

After I said those awful things I quickly pull Primo and left the brat alone. Who is now stunned to what I said.

At the car...my mind drifted to him...to that brat...to Joker...a long silent until we reach to my apartment,I dropped Primo

"Don't wait me,I have full at work."


"I'll call you later."

I told him before I kiss him good bye,he just nod on me with a slight smile.


At the hospital,my day became more shit when I saw the one who waited for me at my office

"I don't have in the mood for shit."

"Excuse me?????"

"What do you want?"

"Oh...hello too, uncle."


"I can't find Joker."


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