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King just lay still not avoiding the hit,not fighting back nor defense himself


King just accept everything


The physical pain are no match in the emotional pain he and the older man above him felt

"KNOW!....>panting heavily<.....HOW!..... ANGRY!!!...I AM!!!!....>punch<.....MAD !!!! I AM!!!!"

Even Royal howl in agony,regret everything we did to our mate.

"H-.....UR-...T!!!! >sob<.... DEVASTATED!!!! SHATTERED!!! I!!!!!!! AM!!!!!!!"

Even King wanted to beat himself, even he feel his nose broken,his face are all over bloody


" his BLOOD!!!! in my hand.... I.... I.... almost killed MY OWN BLOOD!!!!!!!!..."

William scream with so much agony.

Snapped.... King's eyes flew open he instantly capture William fist and he about to over power him when someone hold his nape to pinned him down on the floor. King's features are all over bloody

"B.I.A.S.!!!!! Let King Go!!!!"

Joker fuming like a child while his mate Fause hold his arms

"Sorry,Wolfy....the game's over. Beside we have some situations....(everyone went quiet) Hope spotted at Northern Star Pack."

Vani states everyone stand up to compose themselves.

"Oh....our rides are here."

Added Vani then a bright light from choppers appears at the verandas

"Really!?!?!?!.... Let me guess,this whole five star building is shut down under the council...."

Joker joke and laugh. Pete look at him deadpan

"How did you know?"

Pete asked,Joker stop his laughing his gaze switch everyone at the choppers. Fause just smile at him

"The council need to make sure our society will never expose in the eyes of ordinary human and of course to protect the civilian as well. So we put some measurements. The moment you set a foot in this building it's shut down automatically."

Vani explain,Joker gulped hard and said

"Ok... I won't asked any further questions..."


"The subject are spotted,east west....hey wait Samara!"

The old gentleman in suit chase the beautiful woman

"Let the boy go ,Fabio de Carlos!"

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