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Author pov:

After few hours drive at last Princess finally arrived to their destination. An isolated private place.

"We are here,Mama."

Princess inform Angela, Angela frown looking around. Yeah, this place beautiful but kind of creepy.

"What are we doing here?"

Angela confused asking Princess, Princess give her sweetly smile that she always practice.

"There is something that I am going to show you here."

Princess answer her, Angela smile at Princess and follow her at the wooden cabin. But Princess smile faded when she see who standing at the front of the cabin!

"What ARE YOU doing HERE!?!?!"

Princess eyes widen in shocked and disbelief when she yelled

"Should I the one who asking you?"

Primo asked with blank expressions. Angela confusing switching her look between Primo and Princess,and she is confused to herself why she is so happy seeing the person who 'destroyed' her granddaughter life. She come between the heated gaze of Princess and Primo

"Don't come NEAR her! You....( it's hard and painful to throw the words but she need to do it for the sake of Ylie's daughter,her grandchild ) HOMEWRECKER! WE ACCEPT YOU TO OUR LIVES! Princess treat you like HER OWN BROTHER! but- but YOU BETRAYED HER! YOU HURT HER! NOT ONCE! but Everytime you come near HER. YOU S.L.U.T! MURDERED! YOU KILLED HER UNBORN CHILD!!!!"

Angela shouted rambling angrily,that make Primo stunned and Princess snapped fuming



Angela hurt and confused asking her, Princess starred dagger at her

"Who are you? To mention on your filthy mouth about my unborn child? Ha? "

Princess sneering at her, Angela shocked and stunned to Princess behavior towards her. She can believe her sweet granddaughter, Ylie child will talk to her like that.

"Princess,..... I.... I am your grandmother...."

Angela said, Princess look at her for a second before Princess burst out laughing until she is with her tears

"Grandmother???? You really buy that shit....( Then Princess look at Primo, now with confused expressions. Princess like what Primo giving expressions. Then Princess look at Angela who has pain and hurt expressions looking at her ) yo! Primo! Wanted to MEET YOUR GRANDMOTHER!"



Princess shouted at Angela and she wave her hands. Angela stumble back on the ground,she held her chest tightly,her breathing become hard, her oxygen slowly cutting out. Angela look up to Princess teary eye's who wear an evil smirks into her innocent face.

"That's better,you too noisy you know that."

"You put a spell on your OWN grandmother."

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