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Prime pov:

I heard chirping sound around me, sound of water flowing. It was hurt, I feel all my whole body in pain, it was hurtng ,burning my flesh so much, at the same time I feel numb inside.

=am I going to die here?=

I murmur quietly to myself

=who knowzzzzz?=

Someone whisper answer me, that jerk my body around instantly, shit! It's hurts! A sudden small move I make, but who wouldn't if you been alone in the middle of nowhere, talking to yourself then out of blue someone will answer you!

=that is f*cking creepy!!!=

I exclaimed a little bit loud to myself.

=hizzZzz crazzzzzyyyy zzzzz!!!!!.=

I am now creeping out searching where the voice came from and my gaze dropped to the......!?!?!?!?!

=shit! My head is in shuffle, I am now crazy imagining things.=

I laugh to myself looking at the snake whose focused on me. Then it registered on me, I am now,as in now face to face to a S-NAKE!!!!!! My eyes get wider terrified, before I utter a word,I heard it again

=hizzzzz really crazzzyyyyyy zzz=

"you.... Y-you.... You.... Ta-talk!"

I accused that green snake while pointing a fingered on it.

=You underzzzzztand me zzzzzzzz?=

"This is INSANE! There's no way a SNAKE can TALK!!!"

=Mannerzzzz, boy zzzzz. Aren't you have? zzzzz I am a familiar zzzzz.=

"as in, like video game, anime, shaman, witches..."

=aren't you a witzzzzzhzzzz???=

"Heck NO!!!!!"

=A discriminationzzzzzzzz.=

A flushing red of embarrassment appeared to my face when I realized my reaction, I slightly look down on shame and murmur silently

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to ,I just amazed meeting some rare being before I think I die here."

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