Ylie's child

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Princess pov:

5:00am it's freaking 5 in the morning and I can't go back to my sleep....worried engulfed me...what will happen next after this????

"You already awake?"

My daze snapped when I heard someone spoke,I just look at him blankly,he smile at weakly

"Don't worry we will find them, I promise you that. I'll go first to take a bath then we will continue our search."

He went straight to the bathroom not waiting to my respond, again I look up on the wall clock and saw it's freaking 6:30 am I am daze one and half hour!!!!! That's where I heard a knocked. I open it and saw....

"Good morning (greet Angela then hug me tight while crying, instantly I wrapped my arms on her,I know this day my life will change BIG TIME) I miss you already....so much our Princess."


I unsure answer her,but deep inside I am jumping in joy. Angela cupped my face,and starring lovingly at me

"Silly, you are my son daughter, so stop calling me ma'am, will you?"

"Am I truly your son's daughter?"

"Yes... You are in deed. 99.9 percent."

Said Wyllard to me,who look at me softly. I smile on him even unease around him,like he studying my every move. I need to be careful around him. I thought to myself.

"So....I am indeed your grandchild,right???"

"Yes...and we want you to come with us. Are you with someone else here?"

Again Wyllard asked me. A smile to them and nod

"Yeah....the one I told you."

"We want to meet him."

"Of course but I still didn't tell him I already found you....so if you give me sometimes...."

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