#40....end is near

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Narrator pov:

"I don't know the details."

King response, Primo look at him and they starred each other's for a couple of minutes. Their eye's hold so much emotions but Primo didn't want to acknowledge it. He (Primo) is in so much pain to cling to the hope of love in front of him.
So Primo choose to stay quiet. King let him to his space.


"We need to make sure (Primo) his safety , especially in his condition."

Angela said worriedly. Wyl hugged her.

"Don't worry we will take care of it, Wil?"

Wyl response then look at his son

"I will work for it, for now let's keep quiet about his (Primo) condition. Before we talk to pack members about this situation."

Wil reply to his father

"Make SURE this 'MATTER' won't spread OUT."

"Yes, dad."


Days, weeks past Primo still on his little word didn't utter a single words. King and their families keep approaching him (Primo) but no luck in their side. Still they are not tirelessly showing Primo how he (Primo) is part of the family, part of their life without pushing Primo to forgive them to their MISTAKES. They don't want to pressure him (Primo) to anything.

Will already talked to his pack members. Tell them everything (slight  everything about Princess part of it....for reasons they don't want the pack hate her, she still became part of their life even she do wrong to them. And for Joker cause he is mated to Princess uncle, Fause ) from the beginning up to this present condition. Everyone in the pack felt ashamed , guilt, regret and remorse to what they did to Primo. They all judge Primo to what they heard and not try to finding out the truth about the rumors.

It is impossible to take back what they did to Primo so the pack members vow to atone their SIN by protecting and making sure Primo and his condition are both in safety. Light Sinister Pack is a Light Sinister Pack, their bond to each other's are strong and tight.... that's what they thought until now..... They need to teach themselves again to became better pack members of this pack. The pack that treat them like true FAMILY, protect them and their families in any harm outside the pack. They don't tolerate bully but they unrealized bully someone like Primo...shame.


Primo pov:

They let me go out awhile for having some sunlight and fresh air. At first they all over me, showing me how regret are their towards what they do wrong to me. Hypocrite! Hypocrite! They All Hypocrite!
Treat me like I am the center of their world! It's irritate me! Annoy me! Scared me! Scared me!...... Caused in the day past their acts make me see the sincerity of it. I felt the LOVE that I purposely ignore it. They HIT my WEAK points! The longing of love.

I unconsciously rub my belly. I need to stop thinking negative things. I just need to focus to my condition. I failed in the past to protect the precious angel inside of me, I won't let it happen again. I promise you no MATTER what I make sure to PROTECT you against anyone, anything.
My gaze went to King who starring at me like a hawk,our eyes met I blushing avoiding his gaze instantly.
Damn!!!!! Damn!!!! Him!!!! Damn!!!! The effect he did on me.
I scold to myself while trying to calm my heart for pounding like a crazy horse.
How ? How I am feeling this way on him after many things happen? I know it is hard to his (King) part to see me everyday being pregnant I am. I researched about them in the past that they are very possessive towards their MATE, but I can't see any hint of anger or negative emotions to him (King) all I can see , all I can felt is acceptance....love.....like this unborn child.....my unborn child is HIS own CHILD! How that possible?

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