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Wyllard pov:

"Stop it."

I turned around frowning looking at my son,who giving me a drink

"Blaming yourself."

"I am n...."

"You always do that."

William cut me, I just keep my mouth shut when someone again spoke that snatch my attention

"William is right. Everything has it own reasons."

"How can I tell Angela about this?."

I frustrating asked them

"She will get hurt for sure,cause she really is fond with him."

"Couz,you aren't helping at all."

William said to Izzy(Eleazar mate of John/Ylie finale character) I just grown for frustration I felt, then my attention snapped when suddenly my phone rang, I smile appears on my face when I saw who on the other line


📲Hey,Pop's....how you doing?📲

A sweet sickly voice that make a fear creep on me on the spot


I muttered silently but snatched the attention everyone around me,they all approach me waiting for what happened next. My breath became hard, again after so many years I can gain to control my emotions,even my wolf scratching inside of me wanted to go out and be with his mate,my wife Angela. I unconsciously gripped my phone hard it almost cracked when my son hold my hands, I look at him and he shake his head. I take a deep breath and press the speaker of my phone to everyone here what she saying.....


Primo pov:

💭 What are you doing? 💭

Asked Dove on my head while I keep brushing my hands on flowing waters, I look up and starred myself on the mirror in front of me

"Washing off the blood."

I muttered quietly

💭 There is no blood. 💭

Dove told me after a minute of silent, I starred at my hands then look up at the mirror holding my hands up in front of the mirror

"There is. Look. The stain of blood still at my hands....- I can't wash it off..."

I told him sadly and confused, I felt surge of anxieties when he didn't response

"You.....-you don't believe me?"

I worriedly asked Dove

💭 I'm sorry. 💭


💭 What I did shocked you. But you need to understand, mean girl should DIE. She wanted to separate US, and I won't let that happen. You are most precious to me than anyone else in this world. 💭

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