All Good?

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Valeria's POV

Daniel texted me at the end of the day saying he wanted to talk to me. I go to meet him in the courtyard.
"Hey there cutie!" He says to me.
"Hi." I say unenthusiastically. I'm getting pretty annoyed at him again. Lately I've been thinking of breaking up with him. He makes me happy and treats me right but he hurts Diana too much. I don't know yet. I do really like him though.

"Listen I need to talk to you." He starts,"You know how much you hate how the guys and I treat Diana?"
"Of course I do. Then I ask you to please stop and you're good for a day. Then I find out you hurt her again." I say annoyed.
"I know you're annoyed but I'm serious this time. I'm done. The rest of the guys are done too. I'll help you protect her now." He says. I want to be tough with him but a smile slips out. I look into his eyes and he seems sincere.

"Okay. Thank you Dani." I say and hug him,"I should head to Diana's house now."

Diana's POV

It makes me happy I guess that the guys are going to be nice to me now. I kinda don't trust them but that's besides the point.

There's a knock on the door and I get it. It's Val and not surprisingly at all Daniel is with her. They come in and Daniel pulls me aside.

"I assume that Jack and Zach talked to you already." Says Daniel.
"Maybe." I respond.
"Good, so you know the plan."
Sometimes I think I'm an evil person. That cliff hanger might have been a bit harsh. What do you think that the plan will be? Is it good or bad? The world may never know. (The world will soon enough don't worry). My day has been pretty terrible but I'm happy with how this chapter came out! Hope y'all enjoyed it! Also thanks for 8 FREAKIN K READS!!! GUYS YOU AMAZE ME AND I LOVE YOU ALL!

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