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Hello Everyone.
I have written the next chapter and will be delivering but first I need to address the current circumstances in this world. Police Brutality is REAL! And lives are lost constantly at their hands. It is time for this injustice to come to an end. George Floyd was a caring son, friend, and a father. He was murdered for being suspected of a counterfeit $20. This turned out to be FALSE, but it is too late because after 9 minutes he lost his life to a police offer who was kneeling on his neck. This is one of many stories out there and it is awful. SAY THEIR NAMES. I am not black, I am a POC but I will never know the struggles that a black person goes through. During this time I have been trying to be an active ally, posting on social media, signing petitions, donating what I can, educating myself further as well as others, and even organize a protest in my town.

I ask you all to please click this link:
(will also be in the comments)

This is a google doc with many resources to see how you can be a part of the solution. I urge you all to take action in any way you can at this time. BLACK LIVES MATTER! Thank you for reading this.

Now For The Story.

Diana's POV

"He asked you to go on tour with him?" exclaims Nicey. That is a huge decision to make so of course I need to talk it out with people.

"Yea...last night on our date. It was so romantic but also so sudden. I was completely off guard." I explain.
"Really? Jack asked me to go with him too!" says Sophia.
"Okay this was definitely planned between them. Daniel was practically begging me to go yesterday. So Nicey did Zach ask you to go with him?" nudges Val.
"Why? I mean he did but I don't think I'll go. We barley know each other and I still have my guard up after everything with-"
"Calm down Nicey. It was just a question." interrupts Val.
"Well I think you should reconsider Nicey. It would be so much fun!" adds Sophia.
"So you guys are going for sure?" I ask. How could they have already made such a big decision. I guess it's easier to decide when you can't even remember what life your life was like, however complicated that may have been.

"Of course! Why not? It would be such a cool experience. I mean it's Asia! Whole other continent, whole new adventures just waiting for us." answers Val.
"This is essential a group trip for us all and I don't want to miss out on it." says Sophia.

The rest of our afternoon was consumed with conversations all about the tour. All the cool places we'd get to see, photo shoot opportunities, the clothes, the food, seeing the guys preform all the time. The more Sophia and Val talk up the trip the stronger my urge becomes to just hop onto and plane and go. All of this however, does not keep me from noticing the Nicey is being oddly quiet the entire time.

Eventually Val and Sophia leave since their families want them home for dinner. After everything that they said I really do think it would be fun to go. All of a sudden my bubble bursts.

"I don't think you should go." says Nicey as soon as we're alone.
"What? I'm tour?" I asked confused.
"I just don't think it would be smart or safe" she adds. Oh! This is probably about my head. She had a fair point there but I'm sure I can work something out.

"I mean I would see a doctor before going. You know, to make sure I'm cleared to travel."
"That's not what I meant." she answers.

My mind wanders, trying to figures out why she is talking like this.
"Is it my mom?" I ask worried, "Does she seem unstable? Did she say something to you? How am I not noticing this?" I question.
"Why does it have to be either of those? The trip- going on tour is just a bad idea. Can you really say you want to go out there for Jonah after everything?" she says. I get that things have been rocky, especially with my memory loss but Nicey's reaction is a lot right now.

"Well...Jonah and I are kind of a thing now. I mean there's no label but there's something going on between us. Besides I can't remember anything about him from before so I don't want to miss out on making new ones with him. Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?" I counter.
"That's my point! Just forget it." she says storming off. My mind is boggled from all of this but I do think that after talking to Jonah and the girls I know what I want to do.

"So yea haha. That's pretty much how I made one of the best decisions ever." I say to the live. Jonah follows this up by placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. After everything that has happened this past month with us it finally felt right to go on live and clue the fans in on our relationship.

We have been on for a while so Jonah tries to wrap things up, "Okay guys, I think we're going to hop off now. We love you guys so so much and have a great rest of your day. Bye!"
Hello everyone! I hope this was an enjoyable chapter I really wanted to incorporate a little bit of the past just to give a refresher if it was needed. Thank you for reading this and wanting this. Like I said I want to keep writing until I end this but I am currently still in school. That being said I think it will be another 2 weeks for the next update because that will be when I end school. Throughout these two weeks I'll be writing and editing the new chapter and if I have it ready prior I'll upload but I want to give a realistic timeline.

Okay I love you guys so much! Have a great day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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