Pitch Black

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Diana's POV

I wake up to yet again more screaming in the kitchen. What could it possibly be now? As I'm getting out of bed to see what's going on I hear the doorbell ring. David gets up to answer it. Jonah is on the other side.

What are you doing? I mouth to him from where I am.
Jonah rarely uses the front door. He only comes through my balcony, which is one of the many reasons why my dad hates him. David gets up to see what's taking me so long.

"Good morning Mr.Garcia." Says Jonah.
"What do you want boy?" Asks David annoyed.
"Just came to see Diana."
"Well she can't come to the door right now so your out of luck. Why don't you just head back to your house." Jonah is about to speak and I know if he does David won't mind hurting him.

I move without thinking.
I walk to the doorway knowing that there will be consequences.
"Hey Jonah!" I say, catching David off guard.

"Get back to your room Diana Garcia or I swear!"
"No! I want to talk to Jonah." I can tell he is getting angry.
"I didn't ask if you wanted to I told you to! Now get back to your room!" He yells at me.
"Diana. It's okay just go. I'll be alright." Says Jonah trying to protect me.
"No!" I say.

"Goddamnit Diana!" yells David. Everything after that happens so fast.
David slaps me and throws me on the ground. I see Jonah punching David. My mom screams. Someone pulling up yells "What is happening?" I can't tell who it is.

Then everything goes pitch black.
NEW CHAPTER!!!! I hope you guys like it! I'm having a shitty day cause of my parents being annoying but there's always tomorrow. How have you guys been? And what do you think of the chapter? lmk! LOVE YALL♥️♥️

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