Sad Reality

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Diana's POV

The Next Morning

I wake up to screaming. I look at the clock and it's almost noon. He is definitely awake. I can't leave my mom out there alone so I dress quickly. As I open my door I hear something crash on the floor. My senses are keen. I run to the kitchen to see my mom shaking. My dad is sitting at the table with an angry expression, and a broken plate is at my mothers feet. He doesn't even care that I am standing right there.

"God damnit Anna! Why is it so hard for you to do what you're told! Why the hell is it so hard to serve my food warm!" He shouts.
"David, I'm sorry. I'll make more quick. It'll be n-nice and warm." Says my mom in between sharp breathes.
"Forget it! You can't do anything right! I'll just go somewhere else!" He says grabbing his car keys and walking out the door without ever acknowledging me, thankfully.

When the door slams shut I run to help my mom. She is wheezing for air and holding back tears.
"Mom are you okay?" I ask. She just nods. She slowly begins to calm down.
"What would you like for lunch?" She asks as if nothing just happened.
"I'll cook for myself. Go to bed and rest for a bit." I tell her.
"Thank you." She says. I help her to her room and shut the door. As I head for the kitchen the doorbell rings. I open it and find Jonah on the other side.

"Is everything okay?" He asks rushing in.
"Yea. We're fine. Why?"
"I saw him leave. He looked angry." Jonah responds.
"Oh. Well, yea." I say and fill him in on what happened.

"I should have been here." He mumbles.
"No. You shouldn't have. Stop." I say.
"Why is he still in your lives?" Jonah asks.
"I don't know. I just accept it."
"What? Defeat? No."
"Jonah it's okay.
"No it's not!" He yells. I'm taken back.

"Do you want me to make you lunch?" The doorbell rings. I forgot I had plans. I open it and Bernice is on the other side.

"Hey Diana!" She greets me.
"Hi." I say. We walk into the kitchen and she sees Jonah.
"Oh. Am I intruding?" She asks.
"No. Jonah was just leaving."
"Okay fine. If you need anything call me." He says and walks out the door.

"Why was he here?" Nicey asks.
"Just checking in."
"Is my uncle here?" She asks.
"Nope." Is all I say. Bernice knows he can be the way he is. So does her mom, my dads sister. No one does anything. We're all just trapped.

"Does he know?"
"Maybe." Nicey eyes the broken plate I forgot to clean up.
"He wants to help...and you just pushed him away?"
"He doesn't have to do this. This isn't his problem and I don't want to get him involved. I don't want him to get hurt because of me. Not anymore. Even after everything." I say.
"I get it. From what it seems though, it doesn't really looks like he cares about that. He does care about you though. When life is going bad you can't just start to push away the people that care about you the most. Jonah was a dick to you yes, and I don't love him wanting to be around you, but he wants to be there for you. Now more than ever after he realized what a monster he was. Let him be there for you. You won't feel alone that way." Says Nicey.

I hug her. She's right. I can't keep pushing Jonah away. Not when he's my rock.
"Thank you Nicey."
Alright. Let me tell you guys how I write my chapters. I've written this entire book on paper because I can always write but I can't always be on my phone writing. The thing is then I have to type everything I write and then look for typos and some other things I do. It's a longer process but it's how I kind of keep up with updating chapters. I'm sorry it's been a week and a half. Heads up, next update will probs be in a week and a half cause I'm going to Boston on a school trip for the weekend so yea. Longer wait for a chapter sorry guys. I hope y'all enjoy this one though! Lmk what your thoughts are on Anna and David? Do you like the story so far?

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