Chapter 2 The Frightened Omega

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Wow so many support for this book. Just the first two parts alone already had about 900+ views and votes.Was going to wait for 1000 views but oh well. Thank you for reading this work even though I am really inexperience with an awful lot of wrong spelling and awkward grammars and stuff. (Wow, saying this now after 4 published stories) 

Thank you for all the love everyone and as I had stated on first few chapters before I'm not too well versed in writing AU and especially omegaverse so if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know.

I may not yet be able to update this one frequently as I am still trying to finish up the other stories that I am writing but I definitely have the few chapters already planned out so look forward to it okay.

My writing style here this time might get a little bit confusing as I am trying to make it like each person POV and at the same time third persons POV . Please let me know if this way too confusing or its just fine like this. 


Once their internship was finished and they we're all finally back at U.A, it was pretty apparent that the three boys have certainly grown closer to each other. After surviving through that life-threatening battle, they found comfort in knowing that they have comrades that they could leave their backs to with confidence.

They'd always approach Todoroki during their breaks and even hang out with him during lunches and have light and fun conversations. Before they knew it, Todoroki who was always a loner had been adopted to their pack.

Even with Todoroki who can be socially awkward at times can be seen to have comfortably fit in with his new pack and he wouldn't deny the sense of belongingness with his new friends. In just a week they've managed to become quite the tight knit of friends that you won't see one without the other.

But Iida and Uraraka had noticed something weird going on with the two. They've noticed how Midoriya, though he still always acts the same, seemed a little way too fidgety than normal whenever Todoroki was around as if he couldn't keep his calm and would always stay at what he had deemed safe distance away from the alpha and Todoroki seemed not to be bothered about it but from time to time he would push his luck to close that distance only to have the little omega run away from him.

Yaoyorozu and Jiro who joins them once in a while had also noticed this strange behavior as well.

Being the Alpha of their pack and one of the few who knew that Midoriya was an omega, Iida knew that the omega had always been a little bit too wary of other Alpha's. Though he didn't know the reason he knew that Midoriya was getting better at interacting with other alphas without being too wary and openly scared. But why only towards Todoroki?

Then again, he remembered that Todoroki was a pure-bred alpha and thought that maybe Todoroki's pheromones can be a little too heavy for other omega's which is why Midoriya would instinctively run away, so he just shrugged the thought away. Everything is fine so long as his pack is safe, if anything was wrong he trust that either of them will come to him for help.

Shoto wasn't stupid to not notice Midoriya flinching away from him whenever he gets too close. Though he tried not be bothered too much about it, he would be lying if he said he didn't find it weird and he wasn't offended. Truth to be told he's pretty hurt at how the one he considered his potential mate would want to keep distance away from him.

He had wanted to express his intentions towards Midoriya right after they've come back at U.A. but he was not one who was good at things like this especially towards this delicate matter which is why he seek Yaoyorozu's advice, she's the best option for it after all she had already bonded herself to a beta as well.

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