Chapter 5: Never Mine

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As promised here is the chapter that all of you have been waiting for!! It might just be early to where you guys are, but hey I'm updating this in like dead hours. meaning 12am-4am. So it might not yet be Sunday to where you are but its already Sunday to me.

As always thank you for sticking up to this story and your continuous comments and votes to encourage me to keep writing, it really meant a lot to me.

This is going to be the introduction of Bakugou's side in this story and because of that I've decided to put in detailed what had transpired when Izuku had his first heat and why was he comfortable with only Katsuki even though he's also an alphas that he developed a trauma with. 

Prepare some tissues and get ready to hate me I guess? This is going to get pretty angsty. Becuase right now I'm feeling really angsty as well. I just found out that there's going to be two Yaoi/BL convention that is going to be held next year in the area/country that I live in, which is a really good news but the thing is they're going to be held on February and March. There's no way that I'm not going to both events but that just hurts my wallet a LOT.

Oh well I'm just gonna leave that problem to the me in 2018. For those who are curious what events it is, it's BLush Con and Yaoi Expo. 

Also this chapter may get a little bit OOC, sorry bout' that. Please take note that all paragraph that are in Italic is the flash backs  



"You're so lucky Kacchan. Your quirk's so cool! I hope I get mine soon too. I also heard from auntie that that you're an alpha too, isn't that the top secondary gender!! You're really amazing Kacchan!!" Izuku said, his brimming green eyes filled with awe and admiration as he looked at the blonde boy who was confidently walking in front of him.

"No matter what quirk you get, you'll never be able to beat me" Katsuki looked back at him with a smug smile "And because you're a Deku and you couldn't do anything without me I bet that you're gonna be an omega!"

The green haired boy pouted at the mention of an omega. Though he was still young to understand what that meant, he could at least tell that it wasn't a gender befitting a hero. "That's mean, kacchan" Noticing that the green haired boy stopped walking Katsuki also stopped and looked back at the boy "If Izuku is an omega then that meant you could become my mate, right?"

Katsuki said with the most confident yet innocent smile and Izuku could only blush on it then he started saying something


Katsuki woke up in his room the lights were off, but he could tell that it was already dark outside with all the crickets chirping. He sat up from his bed, his entire body feeling like a sack of sand and his head was ringing in pain.

He looked around at took in the strange surrounding, only then did he remembered that he was out with his family to another hiking trip and he'd gladly miss school for this, he's allowed to slack off this much when he's finally graduating from Junior High and he was damn confident enough to pass U.A.'s entrance exam in a breeze.

Why did he dreamt of something like asking that Deku to be his mate? That dream was something in the past but what did that Deku said again? It was very important, yet he couldn't remember anymore but not that it mattered to him.

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