Chapter 22: So Glad you Haven't Left Me

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With a two-week free time, everyone had decided to take this opportunity and spend the break back to their homes instead of doing nothing in the dorm.

As per usual during his breaks from school. Kaminari helps around the house and their family business. Right now, that he still had free time he was practicing his cooking skills.

It hurts his pride that Sero doesn't like eating whatever he makes. Though the alpha would say that he was happy that he made somethings for him, it didn't help that he looks like he was about to swallow poison when he brings the spoon I his mouth and looks as if he was about to die when chewing it.

Over the break while he was staying at his parent's home he had his mother teach him how to cook and it didn't help that his siblings were teasing him.

He couldn't help but feel frustrated in his lack of skills. He didn't want to be an omega when he found out, so he had totally ditched off lesson that suited his dynamics and do whatever he wanted. Now he was totally regretting being so rebellious.

Especially now that he had made dozens of failed attempts at food. Even he couldn't really eat what he made because it tastes awful. It was really depressing.

He felt arms hug him from behind. "Hmm~ Didn't expect to see you practicing cooking" Sero said with amusement.

The blonde omega shot up in surprise. His head hitting the alphas chin making the two curl and wince in pain.

"Wh-why are you here!!?" Kaminari asked after he recovered from the pain still rubbing the sore spot in his head.

"Well, your sister had called me to stop you from making bio weapons" he teased

Kaminari grab a piece of burnt egg and throw it at him in irritation. The guy had the gut to tease him when he was doing all of it for him. And it didn't stop there.

"Hey! Stop wasting food" Sero laughed as he covers his face with his hand.

"This is not food, this is your so-called Bio-weapon" Kamina shrugged as he kept throwing pieces of peas at him.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry for teasing you." Sero tried cooing the omega in which Kaminari had easily gave in to. "If it's too much for you, it's alright to stop you know"

Kaminari sat on the edge of the room and hugged his knees against his chest "But still... I know I'm not really that good looking and unlike Kirishima and Midoriya my skills are mediocre.... I at least want to be good in something"

Sero was taken aback. It was pretty rare that Kaminari voices out his problems like this and he never knew that this happy go lucky idiot was feeling insecure as well. Nonetheless he was glad that he was open towards him about problems like this.

Though he loved it when Kaminari was always happy. At time like this he felt as if he was useful to his omega and he was more than willing to help him out.

The alpha scooted closer to the omega and patted his head "Well, I won't stop you if you really want to do this. I'm not a really a great cook but I guess I should at least help you practice your cooking. I'm the one eating it after all"

Sero offered Kaminari his hand to help him stand. Before they even start cooking they had to clean up their mess first and then they began to start cooking and trying to experiment on simple dishes at first.

Though there were mostly failures, because at how they were fooling around and playing with food - which they really shouldn't be doing. It was just fun being with each other trying to help one another in place where they were lacking.

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