Chapter 23: Bonded

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(A/N: This is going to be a very self-indulgent smut)

It was only a few walks from where they were sitting on earlier and the bed but Izuku seemed to have immediately slobbered up from the lust and now he's just oozing off bitter scent of anxiety.

The dual toned alpha sat on the futon first and held his hand out for Izuku and he took it, he slowly sat beside the alpha, wringing his hand helplessly in anxiety that his eyes were practically glued to his lap trying to think of what to say that he ended up mumbling all the things that he was being worried about; that it might hurt and that he'd look lewd and all the other things that was going to happen that was making him blush in embarrassment.

In normal circumstances Shoto would have waited until Izuku was calm enough and try to talk to him until he thinks straight enough but the sweet pungent scent of the oncoming heat was enough to drive him out of control as he felt his rut painfully. This was only the pre-heat and he'd be sure that at this rate he'll lost it once the actual heat come.

Shoto put an arm around Izuku's shoulder and pull him closer to him and crooned for the omega to help him calm down "It's alright bunny." He cooed kissing the top of his head as he massages the back of the omega's neck to make sure that he's relaxed "You're beautiful just as you are and there is nothing about you that I don't like"

"B-but what if we mess up and I don't know what to do and—"

Shoto hushed him mid-sentence as he peppers the omega's face with gentle kisses. Despite his want to just rut in his omega the dual toned alpha needed to make sure that Izuku was comfortable enough and slowly coax him into giving in to his instincts before his heat comes.

Slowly he kissed him in his ears trailing down to his jaw and to the side of his neck where Shoto nipped at his skin earning a sweet mewl from the omega. Shoto couldn't help but smile against his skin as he continues to bite and suck in the sensitive spot leaving fresh hickeys on it.

Soon their lips found one another in a sloppy kiss. Shoto put a hand on the back of the omegas head as he lightly massages his scalp, tracing circles on it with his thumbs, pulling him closer to him and deepen their kiss. Slowly exploring each other's mouth, tongues dancing against each other making slick sounds echo on their ears.

Feeling a slight discomfort and irritation on their side by side position. Izuku finally decided to shift his position and climb onto Shoto's lap so that they were facing each other, putting his hands on his shoulder for support and with the alpha's hand on the bed to help them balance and the other was wrapped around his waist playing with the obi of his dark green yukata. Soon he undid the obi with practiced ease.

They could feel it. Izuku's rising body temperature and with their scents mixing together creating an intoxicating scent that sends them in euphoria of pleasure and the endless cravings for more. Even the minimal friction created with their clothing and light touches from his alpha was beginning to overwhelm him, his eyes rolling back from foreign pleasure when Shoto licked along the roof of his mouth as their sweet passionate kisses turned more intense with the alpha one sidedly ravaging his lips.

It sent an increasing state of arousal racketing through his body. His hardened cock throbbing between his legs, staining his clothes with with pre-cum. Though the friction of thin clothes against his erect cock  gave little comfort, but it  wasn't enough, and it didn't help that his hole was now throbbing with need, spasming and leaking with slick. He needed more friction than that.

Izuku rolled his hips against Shoto's. Their hardened member grinding against each other making the two groan in ecstasy that only made them want for more. Their primal instincts fighting for their consciousness.

[COMPLETED] Bonded |Omegaverse AU|Where stories live. Discover now