Chapter 12: Take my Hand!

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I'm back everyone!!

I'm really grateful to everyone that had understand me, supported me and especially those who took the time to even send me messages to cheer me up even though I am so socially awkward and most times I just don't really know how to reply to your messages, but nonetheless all of it was so appreciated.

I would like to mention all of you but there's a lot of people that I could thank that this authors note might become longer than the chapter itself so I just hope that this update shows my appreciation for all of you.

Honestly I was planning on not updating for an entire month (even though I already got two or three chapters written up already and waiting to be published, lol) but seeing as how a lot of people are really looking forward to my updates really surprised me and I still couldn't believe that a lot of you like this thing.

I'm still a bit tad pouting about that incident but I realized how much I love the fandom to be able to stop myself from writing and it's honestly not worth to stop what I love doing. So yeah, now I'm back with the new chapter. 

I hope you guys will love it!

This will have a few spoiler from the manga as well but I tried my best to leave out most of the important parts -- so you may not be spoiled on what happened too much --  and tweak the original story too fit in my story.

Also Please Check the end notes!!! I have an announcement


Shoto was sitting in a hospital bedside with his hands clasped together tightly as he used it to prop his chin. He looked extremely fatigued and exhausted as if he didn't sleep for a day. How could he think of getting some rest as he watched over Izuku lying on the hospital bed with heavy injuries.

He gritted his teeth and clenched on his hands harder as he looked Izuku both arms that were casted and wrapped in bandages, he had been drifting on and off in his consciousness for a while now after his surgery and that whole time Shoto had never once left his side.

Shoto could only feel the anger and disappointment in his self for letting all of this happen. His failure to rescue Bakugou and when he should be protecting and keeping Izuku safe, he just let him get injured like this.


Everything was in total chaos with the villains suddenly attacking them. Receiving a telepathy from Pixie-bob that the villains were after Kacchan.

Shoto's nerves was already on a haywire knowing that only Izuku would call Bakugou that and if he knew what the villains were after, it could only mean that he had encountered one of them.

He was hurrying back to the camp with an unconscious guy from class B that he carried on his back and Bakugou when they were lucky enough to encounter a strong psychopathic villain who holds a strange fascination with flesh, to the point of closely inspecting and admiring a severed limb – honestly the sight was disturbing even for him and Bakugou.

To make matters worse they couldn't escape back as the area covered by the poison gas was just behind them. All they could do was defend against his shapeshifting blades and avoid it as much as possible. And Bakugou was making it hard for them as the blonde was quickly losing his temper in that standstill.

They suddenly heard someone in the distance and they saw Shouji running towards them in full speed, carrying someone from his back but they couldn't see who it was because of the darkness.

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