Chapter 10: Bewilderment

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The real Update!!

A few days ago I accidentally published the draft for this one and immediately deleted it. I'm really sorry for getting all your hopes up that day.

I'm kind of happy to know that a lot of people are looking forward to my updates and I'm just like wow... real live people actually liked this story and knowing that was a pressure and at the same time helps me through my writing block. 

Trust me, it's not fun when I do have a writers block. Booksforlife4901 had really need to do damage control and prevent me from deleting all my published stories on every site I posted it on.

As an apology I have planned on making 8000 - 10,000 words for this chapter but I was short of it of 1000 words but I guess this should suffice. I kinda made this chapter in a rush since I've been so busy with life but I had already promised to update to those who asked me about the false update.

Please pardon me if you see a lot of weird English, wrong spellings and a lot of mistakes. I still haven't rechecked this one for mistakes but I'll be sure to edit it when I have more time.

Enjoy reading!


The three Alphas was gathered in the arcade to their usual spot. But their usual boisterous atmosphere was pretty gloomy because of their performance on the exams and their impending failing grades to top it off Kirishima and Kaminari was nowhere to be seen – more like the two had immediately run off after school.

"Ehh!!! Kirishima and Kaminari are not coming today!!!" Ashido whined "We just finished the exams and I need to let loose, especially those two as well!!! It's so frustrating that we weren't able to do anything with Principal Nedzu!!"

"Fucking pathetic" Bakugou chided

"I don't want to hear that from you whose all smug for passing through All Might-sensei!!" Ashido grunted.

Bakugou clicked his tongue and averted his eyes away. He was still pissed off about having to work and rely with Deku and what's more the moment he woke up in the infirmary the first thing he saw was that Deku and Half Bastard was pinning onto each other.

Even if he was over with Deku. It's still fucking annoying to see them all over each other. Especially when his mate was avoiding him – he won't admit it, but he was jealous of their closeness.

"Ahhh! It's so boring with just the two of you! Hurry up and call the two of them!!"

"Tsk. You know that Shitty Hair is still not talking to me"

"You're useless!!" Ashido whined making Bakugou annoyed so he left to get something to drink

"Sero hurry up and call Denki-chan!!"

"Okay. Okay." Sero Pulled his phone out and dialed Kaminari's number but no matter how long it rings no one was answering the call. "He's not answering maybe he's sleeping already. It's been a long day anyways."

"EHHH!? No!! Try calling him again even if you wake him up! And Bakugou you've been on your phone since you left to buy some drinks is that Kirishima, if it is then hurry up and call him over!!"

"No. It's Pikachu" Bakugou said as he pressed a button making the other two stops and look at each other.

"I thought you said he wasn't answering!!"  

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