Chapter 14: Come Into My Arms

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Here's an Update!!!

Special thanks to Todorooki for making a cover for this book. Didn't really expect that someone would want to make a cover for me and I really loved it. I hope that you'd like this new update as I want to dedicated this to you as a thanks for the new cover.

As always I want to thank everyone for sticking with me so far. There'll be more chapters to come along for this story so stay tuned :3

I have said before that I want more KamiSero so I'm starting this chapter with them. I hope you guys like that as well

Enjoy reading :3


Even though the very purpose of moving was for the safety of U.A's student everyone can't help but feel somewhat excited about all of the things they could do at the dorms. After all which teen hadn't dream of being able to get freedom from their watchful parents and have longer hours of hanging out with their peers, especially for those who are in a relationship.

As much as they have the freedom to do so and even if Denki and Hanta we're known for always fooling around they couldn't be irresponsible with this where they were put in a situation that they could more or less probably could do whatever they want, and unexpected things – accidents – could happen that they can't do anything about.

The moment it was announced that they were moving to the dorms the couple had decided to make things official to both sides as they finally decided to bond when Denki's heat comes next month. But before that they needed to get their parents approval and permission as they are still not in a legal age.

Or so they planned as both of them sat on the dinning table with Denki's parents, waiting for his mother to finish cooking in complete silence as the two were quite nervous to be able to utter anything.

Even if it went smoothly with Hanta's side of the family when they told them about their relationship and their plans the same couldn't be said with the Kaminari's. They skipped on a lot of things after all.

First and foremost, Hanta never asked for permission to court Denki and immediately began dating each other. To make matter worse they never told his parents that they start dating so they're half expecting that they'd be surprised about this news and there's a high chance that they would disapprove of their relationship.

Though they knew that courting was a thing in the past and only few does it in this modern age but right now they wished that they went through the proper process to save themselves from this uneasiness and anxiety because even if they knew that there's a slim chance that Denki's parents would agree on their bond they wouldn't know what to do if they disapprove of it.

That would really break their hearts of they did.

Denki clenched his fist that was resting on top of his lap, feeling really nervous and this was probably the most quiet he's been ever since he was born as he tries to prepare himself for the possible worst outcome.

The blonde omega jolted when he felt something brushed in his hand making him look up at Hanta who as just as nervous but smiled at him and gave him a reassuring squeeze in the hand under the table which made him relax even a little until the last plate was finally set down on the table.

"Whats wrong?" Hina – Denki's mom – asked as she sat down next to her husband "You two are strangely quiet today"

"Uh... well... we..." Denki stutters miserably unable to look at both of his parents "We wanted to tell you that Hanta and I have been dating for a while and..." was all Denki was able to say before he completely shut down from the embarrassment and anxiousness leaving Hanta to explain everything.

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