Chapter 7: Comfort By Your Side

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I'm really sorry for the long wait guys there was a sudden emergency with family and I was having a writers block (again!) because I'm just so bad when it comes to writing fluff... I know it's weird that someone will have a hard time writing fluff but to be honest I'm more confident when it comes to writing smut.

And I had just realized that I never even wrote any TodoDeku fluff yet and that is just plain INJUSTICE so I tried my best to write this down okay! I'm really bad at fluff so I'm not confident with this but Ii hope you guys still liked it.


Midoriya-kun should be fine as long as he stops taking suppressants and properly go through his heat from now on. That also means his heat won't trigger anymore when you two touches.

Shoto breath in contentment, working on a homework with Midoriya in the living room of the Midoriya household. This wasn't his first time going here but it was the first time that he actually went inside his omega's home, as he was not allowed to go inside when Midoriya was going through his heat.

It was not too big and not too small for two people living there and it felt really homey, plus Izuku's scent was all over the place so couldn't help but smile in delight as he looked around where his mate had lived and grown up.

Even though Shoto was slowly taking in everything in his surrounding he wouldn't miss the shy glances that Midoriya was sending him, he couldn't help but think it was really cute. Looking at his blushing shy face. Shoto sighed heavily, he wanted to do more than just stiffly sitting across each other and pretending to be busy with homework that they have already finished ten minutes ago but he didn't want to rush things and scare away this cute little bunny.

Especially after earlier...

After Midoriya was all cleared by Recovery Girl. Shoto had practically dragged Izuku to his apartment. Their hands were still intertwined as they walk, ignoring the stares given to them by other people, there were things that Shoto wanted to do now that he's able to touch him.

The very moment that they closed the door of the apartment, Shoto enveloped the smaller boy in his warm embrace. Nuzzling his head against the omega's hair and breath a handful of scent that he missed so much. Midoriya smelt so warm and gentle, to him it smelt like heaven.

Izuku stiffened at the sudden embrace at first but soon relaxed in the warmth of the alpha's hold when Todoroki's scent wafted around him and soon he reciprocated the embrace and breath in relief. He felt safe and protected in his alpha's arm.

Todoroki's scent was just so addicting and intoxicating that he couldn't help but want more of it. So he buried his head in the crook between the taller male's chin and chest, feeling more confident to inch closer to his scent gland as Todoroki crooned at him, encouraging the smaller boy.

Shoto couldn't help the smile curving on his lips and croon for his omega to go on as Midoriya nuzzled his head against his neck and happily sniffing him. As if mimicking Midoriya, Shoto leaned down and brought his face on the smaller boy's neck.

They inch closer to each other scent glands, way too close to be considered appropriate during the courting period but as of the moment the two were lost in their own bubble and could care less about those old, almost forgotten etiquettes. Seemingly on instinct, they were scenting one another, feeling a little too happy and proud at how their mates prominent pheromones were being diluted with their scent.

The sound of grocery bags hitting the floor and a soft gasp made them snap from their own world and they shot their head to the open there where Midoriya Inko stood with shock.

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